"I know but I just can't let this place go ma."

She sighed while sitting back. "The only advice I can give you is talk to your wife, about everything."

"There's no talking to Mya, everybody knows that."

"It won't hurt to try though. If you don't talk to her, what are you going to do? Keep lying about what you did with the house? That's just going to make things worse. Sit her down and tell her how you feel. Matter of fact have her come here and see what you're giving up. But if you're going to keep this house Chris make sure that it's for work purposes and painting only. This is not a hotel, it's not a club and it's not a drug house. You want to step up to your wife about keeping the house, make sure you step up to your friends and set some boundaries."

I nodded. "I will."

"You sure? Sometimes it feels like you're more comfortable with being at odds with Mya then you are with them."

"Ima handle it, I promise."

"Okay. Well call Mya and have her to come over. Is there food inside?"

"Yeah there is."

"I'll go throw something together." She got up from her seat then headed inside.

Pulling my phone out my pocket, I exhaled while unlocking it and bringing up Mya's contact. I hit the Call button then put it on speaker. Honestly, I didn't want her to answer but she did.

"Hello." From the way she sounded she was in the car.

"Hey baby."


"You busy?"

"No, I was actually about to go grab something to eat. Wassup?"

"Can you pull up in Tarzana real quick? Mama cooking so you ain't gotta worry about food."

"..........Uum......sure, I guess."

"Alright, I'll see you when you get here."

"Okay." She ended the call before I could say anything else. Groaning I tossed my phone down on the couch and laid back. I didn't have the energy to argue with her over this house. I don't know how ima convince her to be cool with me keeping it. Let's hope Mya has an open mind today.


The sound of a car door shutting caused me to sit up. I stood up from my seat and fixed my clothes then hurried to the front. "Hey baby." I said while approaching Mya.

"Hey boo." Her arm went around my neck.

I kissed her lips before pulling her into a hug then rubbed her stomach. We got a few weeks left before our baby girl gets here. I can't wait to see her.

"What you doing over here?" She asked.

"Uuum, working."

"Oh, did you meet with the realtor?"

Stepping back, I put my hands in my pockets and looked at her.

Checkmate: THE NEXT LEVEL (R)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя