Chapter 27

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1 month later

Brandon's POV

"How about McDonalds tonight?"

" Sure , I was getting tired of cooking anyway" her voice sounded distant , but I brushed it off. Rihanna and I moved in recently, and her mom decided to take over her old apartment.

I was going home from work and decided to get McDonalds for dinner ,since it was Friday. My surgery was in the next two weeks and Tamara,Balsam and Rihanna would be there for support.

Rihanna's POV

There was a knock on the door and I rushed to get it. My mom face was overjoyed while Balsam looked like a deer in headlights.

" What are you waiting on?" I took the bag and went upstairs to the bathroom with my mom following behind. I was feeling sick recently well showing signs of pregnancy. Brandon and I haven't been using protection since we know his current situation but I wanted to check just in case. We waited for the results, my nerves were racking and I was feeling so emotional right now.

" What if he doesn't want a baby?"

BOOM I dropped the big question

" Well he's going to man up and face it or I'll straighten him out" I sighed. It was now time for the results and I didn't know if I even wanted to read it.

" Mom ...."

" Don't even think about it"

I took the test up and saw the two lines

" Well......."

" Its" I cried and she screamed so loud that I had to cover my ears.

" Rihanna are you okay? Open the door now" Brandon bang on it worriedly.

My mom opened the door and he came in along with Balsam.

" I'll give you some privacy, come on babe" they left the room leaving us in tension.

" I'm pregnant" it was silent for God knows how long and he stood there not uttering a word.

Until he ran out, leaving me all alone

Brandon's POV

Okay she just told me she's pregnant and I ran out

Not a good reaction

I was overwhelmed,happy,sad,angry and the list could go on and on

Was I ready to have a baby?

Will I be a good father?

I could hear her crying in the bathroom, so I decided to stop being a bitch and compose myself.

" I'm so sorry" I pulled her in for a hug , and she pushed me away.

Oh dear God help me on this one

"Im going to be fat" she cried and fell face flat on the bed.

" And I'll still love you"

" No your not , your going to be attracted to other flat ass girls" she screamed.

" I love you"

" Shut the fuck up" she slapped me in the head and I winced.

I can't believe this is only stage one of pregnancy.

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