Chapter 18

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Brandon POV

I woke up around five in the morning because I felt hungry. In luck Tamara was cooking breakfast but I had to bare witness to see Balsalm flirting with her.

" Good morning love birds " I wriggled my eyebrows at them and Tamara blushed.

" Good morning, I'll get you some breakfast " she scrambled off in the kitchen to get me a plate.

" I didn't know you were staying over Balsalm " he looked a bit uncomfortable and I was enjoying every bit of it.

" Neither did I Mr. Salvatore "

" Leave the formalities, call me Brandon" Tamara gave me a plate of bacon, eggs and toast with a side of ginger tea.

" Stop the interrogation " she flicked my forehead.

" I will do no such thing.. now tell me Balsalm where did you sleep"

" On the couch" I saw him fidgeting and I knew it was a lie.

" I'm just playing around " We heard someone groaning behind us and saw Rihanna in a bathrobe that displayed her legs which had a few bruises.

Those sexy legs

" Good morning " she gave her mom a kiss and looked at Balsalm with curiosity.

" It's been awhile Balsalm , but why are you in pajamas at my house?" There was little bit of attitude in her voice and I snorted.

" Don't be rude Rihanna" her mom scolded.

" I'm sorry but..."

" It's okay Tamara, I should have asked Rihanna if it was okay to stay here first" such a humble man.

" It's okay , I was just surprised " she brushed it off and randomly smacked me in the head.

" What was that for?"  She shrugged and started eating my bacon.

" Get your own" I took my plate and walked to the other end of the table.

" I would run after you but my body is aching all over" her mom shared a plate for her as well and we all decided to watch some TV.

" Are you going to press charges?" Tamara asked.

I sighed, I was thinking about it and thought about letting it go. Richard had a lot of work to fix yesterday and I thought he should get a promotion.

" I'm not sure, I blocked her from accessing any of my cards or money" I still wasn't over what happened, I couldn't over night but I was trying.

" Well we're always here for you Brandon " she smiled.

An: I know this chapter is really really short but I have school right now, but I hope your enjoying it so far and Thank you for supporting once more🥰

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