Chapter 17

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Brandon's POV

" Baby I can explain?" She tried touching me but I stopped her. Greta was a murderer and I would've been dead if Tamara wasn't an observant lady.

" Then explain" my voice sounded scary , I was raging within but on the outside I was calm and collected which was never a positive sign.

" .. you ... see" fumbling with words to say she gave up knowing it was nothing good.

" You have no excuse Greta, you're heartless, corrupted and evil. I gave you everything, I picked you up off your feet and gave you a reason to live and this is how you repay me? What else is there?" I saw her turn around and stood beside Fabian and I scoffed at this.

" So you're fucking my cousin... " I held back tears that threatened to fall  but I couldn't hold them anymore.

" I'm sorry Brandon but I just can't love you" it felt as if a spear  pierced into my heart shattering the vital organ in bloody pieces.

" And I'm sorry I loved you Greta" I was a man crying because I fell in love with the wrong woman.

I felt hurt

I felt betrayed

I felt heartbroken

I felt alone

" Get out of my company and out of my life. I don't want to see your face ever again" she walked past me with the man she claimed to love. Why wasn't I good enough? Why was I so easy ?

My thoughts were killing me slowly and all I wanted was to be alone.

" Richard , Balsalm ensure they're escorted out the building " I sat in the chair and looked at the landscape before me. I heard the doors closed behind and a soft hand on my shoulder.

" My husband cheated on me, I hid it from Rihanna so she could live a happy life. I didn't have the financial funds to send her to school so I had to stay and endure it. When she started high school it got worst, he would beat me black and blue."she took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

" It was then I knew, I had to leave so my baby could be safe if he could his wife , why wouldn't he hit his daughter?We lived in shelters for a few months before I could get back on my feet. He died a few years ago , but I don't hate him"

" Why not?"

" Because I learned from him, I learnt my true value and I hope you did too" She kissed my forehead.

" It's time for you to go home " She helped me to get in the car and we stopped at Rihanna's apartment.

She was trying to put her shirt on and Tamara stepped right in to scold her.

" And where do you think you're going?"she halted.

When she saw my face, I could see the relief in her eyes.

" Brandon" she hugged me tightly and I winced.

" I have a few broken ribs please don't do that again" she quickly let go.

" I'm sorry" she pouted.

" It's okay" I was really tired and not up for the talking and she seemed to get the gist.

" Do you want to stay over for the night ?" She offered.

" He wasn't going anywhere else in the first place" her mom said and we all laughed.

An: Another chapter completed I can't wait until this is finished tbh . But let me know what you think about this chapter.

Thank you again for the support 👍🏽❤️
Have a great day 🥰

I just want to say that violence against women isn't right. God made a woman and gave her a gift of bringing a human into this world. Women are special and unique , it is sickening to even having a  thought of laying your hand on her.

Abuse isn't love , it's not right.

If a woman says no she means NO!!.

And also there are men out there being abused and it's not okay because they have feelings too.

It's an issue that is all over the world and needs to be justified.



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