What is That!? · Pt. 1

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Y/n's POV
It started off as just a normal day. Just like everyday I got up at 6am, went for a quick run, took a shower, ate breakfast, and worked on a painting til it was time to leave for school.

I don't really like school but I get up early for it anyways. There are too many students who think they're better than everyone, drama, stuff like that. Though the one thing I do like about it is the art club. My goal is to become an artist once I graduate.

My parents wanted me to go to a different school though. They didn't seem to be very happy about my choice to do art for some reason. They said I was "special" and tried to convince me to go to the school they used to go to apparently. It was Juju- something, I don't know.
I did my research about it but barely anything came up.

I don't know why they wanted me to go there, or what they meant by "special" but I just want to lead my own life, not whatever life they have planned for me. If they can't support what I enjoy doing, that's their problem.

I finally get to school after a 10 minute walk. Everything was normal but I still couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. Ignoring it I walk into the school and straight to class.

After all my classes were done I finally am able to go to my safe place. The art club room. I walk in and greet some of the other members and sit with a group of my friends.

I'm not popular, but not a loner. I have friends, though a lot of the people here are assholes so I'm picky with who I befriend.

"Oh? It's the art nerd"
I look over to see ms bitch. Yeahh I never really bothered learning her name so I just call her that. She loves to pick on me for no reason. Don't get me wrong, I'm a nice person, but I know my boundaries and people like her really know how to push me to my limits.

"Do you need something?" I ask, trying not to show my annoyance.
"Oh nothing~ just figured I'd stop by" she told me.
No, she never just wants to "stop by". Something is up.
"Leave her alone Amaya" my friend Hanako said from besides me.

Hanako has been my friend since 2nd year junior high. So we've been friends for a little more than 2 years, since we're both 1st years in highschool now. We are close but don't talk much about our personal lives with each other. She hasn't even told me her last name, but she'll tell me when she feels like it.

Ohh so ms bitch's name is Amaya?
"Anyways y/n I just wanted to show you something"
This isn't gonna be good...

I didn't even realize she'd been holding her hands behind her back til she pulls them infront of her and hands me a bag she'd been hiding.
I open the bag slowly, keeping an eye on her. By the time I open it I felt a pain in my chest.

Inside was one of my paintings, torn to pieces and barely recognizable. But I know my own art. It's the same painting that I'd been working on for my cousin who had died, for reason I haven't been told.

I realized I must have started crying as I heard Amaya laughing and Hanako snatch the bag from my hands and start yelling something at Amaya. I honestly didn't know what to say or do. My cousin had died a year ago. It took me months to complete that painting because I kept breaking down while working on it in her memory.

And now here it is, practically ripped to pieces.

Everything happened so fast as the room went quiet besides a few gasps and I finally snapped out of whatever shock I was in and looked down. I was now standing, Hanako's hand on my shoulder, and Amaya on the ground in front of me holding the side of her face in her hand looking up at me in shock.

Everyone in the room was shocked. Never have I done something like that. Even I was shocked.

Realizing what happened I ran out of the room, ignoring the calls from the club room to wait and come back. I'd embarrassed myself enough and if I go back in there to see ms bitch's stupid face before I've calmed down she won't have a stupid face to see.

School was already over so running out of the school wasn't gonna get me in any trouble or anything. Not that I cared in the moment.

I had ran a bit before I stopped. I don't kno why I stopped but then I realized why.
I could feel it. Someone- no something? was following me.

I turn around but nothing was there. The feeling didn't go away though, instead it grew stronger. I started running again and came across an abandoned building. Everything in me told me not to, but I didn't know what else to do. I ran inside to get away from whatever the heck was following me.

When I got inside the feeling of being followed went away but it was replaced with something else. I take a few minutes to catch my breath before I begin to walk around.

As I was about to head up a flight of stairs I froze. A sudden fear washed over me. There was something here.
Behind me? No no that's not right...
It's above me...

I look up to see something huge and almost bug like thing coming from the ceiling. It said something too which really freaked me out. It takes everything in me to hold back a scream and force my legs to run. I ran up the stairs til I couldn't and found a room, quickly shutting myself in there.

I couldn't hear anything else after.
What was that thing!??
I hear something coming up the stairs and take a step back, not noticing the stack of books on the floor behind me. Unluckily for me, the floor is concrete.

I fall back, hitting me head on the floor behind me hard.

My head begins to hurt as I feel something warm.
Maybe I should've just stayed at the club room...

I must have passed out because that was the last thing I remember before waking up to the sound of child crying and something that sounds like the thing I saw earlier. Then silence. I sit up slowly and look around, but nothing it there.

Everything starts to come back to me though as the door begins to slowly open a few minutes later. I begin to panic til I see what, or who is opening the door. It's not the thing from earlier but instead a guy with pink hair.


Hey hey hey! So far I think this is a lot better compared to my other stories to be honest 😅
Sorry for any mistakes/errors 😬
Anyways I hope you enjoyed :)
Have a good day/night 🖤

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