"I can't go... not like this." I looked down at my trembling legs.

"I know, that's why I'm staying back with you."

I snapped my head to my brother, "Go. I don't want you to miss out!"

"Someone needs to take care of you. And I don't trust the servants." Hobi sighed, rubbing his temples.

"I'll be fine. I can take care of myself." I smiled reassuringly.

"Are you sure? I could-"

"Just go." I nudged him lightly.

"Okay, okay, fine. I'll go. Stop pushing me!" Hobi's laughter rang in my ears. I didn't think I'd hear it again, but I did.

Then why wasn't I feeling fulfilled?

My parents conducted an employee's party every year to show their appreciation towards the people who constantly worked to make Soleil Industries the best.

It was someone every worker felt excited about. It was the day they could finally forget all formalities and enjoy their evening with their family and friends. Unlimited food and drinks could make anyone happy.

Even though my father had an intimidating status in society, he was genuinely respected and loved by the people who he was associated with and those who worked for him.

During this time, he'd also donate to medical aids on behalf of the company, with which medical supplies or surgeries could be paid off for those who couldn't afford it. Many people had been operated because of this mone-

"My mom was admitted to their hospital."

A sharp gasp left my lips as I realised an important evidence. The evidence that could prove that whatever had happened those four months was anything but a dream.


"OPPA!" I yelled out, "I NEED TO TALK TO YO-"

"WHAT? WHAT HAPPENED?" Hoseok rushed to the living room, a shriek echoing as his shoes rubbed against the floor, "ARE YOU OKAY?"

I chuckled at his reaction, "I'm fine. I'm sorry that I scared you."

Hobi narrowed his eyes at me and sighed, "What is it?"

"I want to know something. Does our hospital hold records from 15 years ago?"

"Umm, yeah, they do. They're not on the computer, but we preserve the patient files. Why?"

"I want to look for someone's file... would that be okay?"

"You need authority to checked patient details." A smug smile lit up on Hobi's lips, "But since I'm the head surgeon there..."

He wiggled his brows.

I clapped my hands, "Thank you! You're the best brother ever!"

"Tell me something I don't know, sis." Hobi winked. Soon his face morphed into a pondering expression, "But the files are in the main building. And the party is being held there..."

"Then we should go."

"Now?" Hobi frowned, "We could go tomorrow, once the party is over."

"Can we please go now. It's urgent."

"Fine!" The brunette sighed, "I can't win a debate with you."

"Well, you didn't even try." I pouted.

"The last 21 years has thought me not to try arguing with stubborn bulls."

"Whatever. Let's go now."

"And your legs?" His perked up his brow at me, "You can hardly walk properly."

"Don't worry. I got this, okay?"

I got this, my foot!

I was being pushed around in a wheel chair because my dear brother couldn't bare the thought of me walking. How was I supposed to recover if no one would let me walk for God's sake!

I love my brother, and I love how protective he is about me. But this?

I wasn't a baby to be pushed around in a pram. I could walk, not as normal as usual, but still! I hate this. All the attention was on me as Hobi navigated me through the building.

No one tried to hide their astonishment after seeing me. Many even asked how I was doing. They were all small talks. Some even gave me their condolences for the loss of my fiancé...

I had to listen to all of it without showing the pain I felt in my chest.

"We should've just come tomorrow." Hobi snapped me out of my thoughts.

"No, it's okay."

"You don't look okay though, sis." I heard my brother sigh, pushing the wheel chair forward, "This must be so hard for you."

I simply pursed my lips.

Hoseok got the message and didn't talk about it any further. He just kept pushing the wheel chair down the corridor until we got the end where a guard was seated. He immediately stood up when he saw us, "Mr Jung!"

"Could you please open the door for us?"

He quickly nodded and unlocked the door.

Hobi bent to my level and smiled, "Let's go!"


I hope you liked the chapter. We'll be missing Taehyung.

Lol, the whole sun and moon thing, I just thought about it at midnight. Midnights are usually when I write my chapters and idek why but I was feeling extra sentimental and I came up with that whole paragraph.

Anyway, I hope it wasn't cheesy😝

Until next time my loveliest readers!!!❤️💜

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