"You're Jason right? Jason Grace?" Piper asked, tilting her head slightly to the side.

"Oh, uh . . . yeah. That's me." Jason was obviously trying not to blush.

We all talked for a while, until Piper and Annabeth's friend Hazel came in and introduced her project partner Frank, a muscular Chinese guy.

"So Frank, what's your major?" Annabeth asked casually.

"I haven't decided yet." Frank looked embarrassed. "I don't have any idea what I want to do yet."

"Same here." Jason agreed readily. "Do you know yet Piper?"

"Oh totally, I'm already enrolled in law 101, and after this school I'm going to a grad school to study environmental law!" Piper launched into a detailed explanation of what she planned on doing during her career, and although I couldn't follow a single word of it, Jason looked intrigued. I turned instead to Annabeth.

The afternoon passed quickly, and before long it was getting dark. "Guys we'd better head back." Piper said, looking out at the twilight. "We have . . . Stuff to do . . ." She looked meaningfully at Annabeth, who's eyes widened. "Oh! Uh yeah . . . We'd better go. Bye guys! See you tomorrow Percy!" She smiled again and, dragging a protesting Hazel in her wake, left the coffee shop.

"This was fun. We should all do it again sometime." Piper seemed to be mostly looking at Jason, who nodded enthusiastically in return. "Yeah sounds great!" He grinned and stared dreamily as she followed Annabeth and Hazel out the door. Only Leo's elbow in his ribs made him come back to earth.

"So I got homework guys . . . Nice to meet you all." Frank waved and left the shop as well.

As Jason, Leo and I stepped back into the warm autumn night to head back to our small, shared apartment, Leo spoke. "Sooooooo . . . Jason and beauty queen . . . I saw that one coming from a mile away. What should their ship name be Percy?" He wiggled his eyebrows. "Pison? Jaseen? Beauson?" I laughed. "No dude, Jiper all the way."

"I still kinda like Pison though-"

"-you guys do realize I'm still right here right? And I have a girlfriend." Jason looked miffed." And anyway I thought she was your beauty queen Leo."

Leo faked gagging. "Eeeeew! She's basically my sister man! Anyway I know her type, and it's tall and blonde and blue-eyed, she's into superman types dude! Not repair boys!"

Jason looked a little relieved. "What about Percy though? You should have seen him when Annabeth smiled at him, he looked like a love-struck little puppy."

"I did not!"

"You really did though."

"Annacy. We're calling them Annacy. I ship it so hard dude!" Leo laughed and high-fived Jason. "Leo, you are awful at ship names! It's obviously gotta be percabeth." Jason and Leo bickered about ship names all the way back to the apartment, but it was all background noise to me. I just couldn't get her out of my head . . .

"I wonder what stuff was so important that Annabeth and Beauty Queen had to leave like that." Leo pondered out loud. Jason and I just looked at him.

"Hmmm" I drawled "I don't think they had homework or any more classes."

Leo held up his hands in surrender.
"I don't know dudes. If they did wouldn't they say so?" Jason and I both rolled our eyes and kept walking.

Annabeth P.O.V

"Oh my gods thanks Piper I totally forgot" I gushed hurriedly opening our front door. Piper walked causally behind me.

"Well I figured you were so busy gawking at Percy that you forgot about Charlie." She said smugly.

"Hm" I retorted "I didn't realize that you even noticed me the way you were mooning over Jason"

Her mouth opened and closed."Im pretty sure he is dating someone" she argued.

"Not for long" I sang and walked through the door.

I walked into the living room where Mellie was playing with Charlie. She looked tired. "I'm so sorry I wasn't thinking about the time and I rushed home as soon as I could." Mellie just smiled.

"It's ok" she said soothingly while she walked away and gathered her stuff to leave. I let out a sigh of relief and picked up Charlie from the floor.

"So what about pizza?" Hazel asked, picking up the house phone. Piper and I shrugged "sure".
What did you guys think? Comment if there is any pairings that you would like that we missed. or if there is something you think could happen, or constructive criticism. We will update faster if you guys review and comment

Thanks for reading y'all! ❤️

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