Chapter 66 - Almost a detective story

Start from the beginning

The man shook his head and replied:

- No. The last server update allows editing throughout the day. If you try to enter a number now, today's date will appear.

Omer looked inquiringly at Mert and he nodded in the affirmative:

- It is so.

- It turns out, - Defne whispered with white lips, - we will not be able to prove our case? Will Sapphire's reputation be destroyed? Is everything we've built going to be destroyed?

Omer squatted down in front of her and took her hands cold as ice in his hands. Looking into unhappy eyes, he said:

- Don't you dare to despair! We'll find a way out.

He stood up and looked at the others. On Koray, Kartal, Mirai, Mert. And only Zubeyir did not deign to look. Like he's an empty space. However, it was so.

- What ideas are there? - He asked the staff.

"Mrs. Defne sent the sketch to you by mail," Mirai said quietly. - It is necessary to look at the incoming letters in your e-mail and outgoing from Mrs. Defne. Her e-mail is linked to all gadgets.

Defne grabbed the phone, but Zubeyir's trembling voice stopped her:

- It's not there. I have deleted the letter from the mail of Mr. Omer and Defne.

She stared in disbelief at the guy she considered a friend and bitterly thought - is there a limit to human meanness? Is it so easy to destroy the work and dreams of dozens of people? And for what?

- Did Laila ask you about that too? - Omer asked through clenched teeth.

- Yes, - answered Zubeyir. - I thought I loved her...

- This is not an excuse for meanness, - said Kartal, and Koray again unleashed curses on the head of the programmer ferret and the witch Laila.

- If I understand correctly, Defne sent the sketch to Mr. Omer from the home laptop? - said Mert, who was silent throughout the conversation.

"Yes," Defne replied.

- So, in the laptop, there should be a saved scan copy of the sketch, - suggested the boy.

- There is! - confirmed Defne. - I looked through the files yesterday and saw it.

"Here's the proof," said Mert judiciously. - Each file has a save date.

- Your smart head! - Defne jumped up from the chair and rolled like a ball to Mert. Pulling his head to her, she kissed the swirling crown of his head and thanked him with feeling:

- Thank you!

"For nothing," he smiled embarrassedly. - You would have guessed when you calmed down. But on the screen of the file folder, where the save date is visible, the sketch itself is not visible, and if you open the sketch, the date is not visible. To provide evidence, you need to take the laptop to Ankara.

Defne looked at Omer in dismay. Who will take it to Ankara? Kartal and Mirai are needed in Sapphire. Iz and Tranba are preoccupied with their huge problems. Koray, seeing Laila in the gallery, can make such a scandal with hair-pulling that everyone will be disgraced. Both Sapphire and Passionis.

These were the exact thoughts that roamed Omer's mind. He didn't want to go. He didn't want to leave Defne alone, but there was no choice.

"Darling," he turned to her. - It's only for a day. I'll be back tomorrow morning. "She nodded in agreement with his decision. He pressed his hand to her cheek for a moment and turned to the others.

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