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Olympe quietly entered the cemetery, leaving her uncomfortable shoes behind a bush. She then walked silently into the dark, zigzagging between the different alleys before hiding behind one tall memorial. She silently watched the lonely witch unknowingly walking closer to Olympe.

It was a tall and sturdy man, but she knew she wouldn't have any trouble putting him down.

As he stepped into the alley, Olympe silently slit his throat open with her dagger the moment he stepped into it. She watched him fall on the ground, his mouth opened in a silent cry, before hiding the body and continuing her journey.

Walking closer to the witches' hideout and ancestors' memorial, Olympe slowed down her pace. She stopped again, conscious of her attire now. She wasn't worried they would see her, but Olympe minded dirtying the dress. It did cost her a small fortune. She pushed the thought back and waited for the witches' duo to pass her. A few metres after passing Olympe's hiding place, they stopped and froze. She heard one of them asking her partner if she could feel something. They both realised something wasn't right.

Olympe didn't wait any longer, and with two swift motions, she killed them. The witches fell in a loud stump, but no sound had time to pass their lips. Olympe smiled darkly. The poison on her dagger was as deadly as she remembered it to be. She quickly hid the bodies behind one grave before marching inside the sacred memorial. Olympe took a moment to be grateful for her unusual nature. Usually, vampires couldn't even step a foot inside the cemetery since it was sacred land. But she could, and it would be the witches' doom, she thought.

She ventured further inside once she had made sure she was alone, but the more Olympe walked, the more she thought it was too easy. She continued nonetheless, heading to the place Freya had told her to find.

There was a large cave with a long table in stone at its centre. On it, there was a mess of half-lit candles. Olympe quickly realised that the witches had cast a barrier spell. She studied it for a moment before getting out of under her skirt a small pouch. Olympe drew out some small gems and leaves of various plants that the druids had the secret to and strategically placed them around the circle of candles. She clapped her hands together, closed her eyes and started chanting her spell.

"Conteram in obice," she continually whispered until she felt the barrier spell break under her power. She smiled, content with herself, and swiftly grabbed the few bones on the table. She then picked up the leaves and gems, putting them back into the pouch before adding the bones and hiding the small bag back under her skirt, securely tight around her thigh.

Olympe had no trouble leaving the hideout, but she suddenly stopped after walking for a short time. The night was calm. Too calm. There was no sound to hear, even with her enhanced senses. Olympe tensed, feeling too exposed under the bright moonlight. Suddenly, she saw an abrupt movement from the corner of her eye. With her eyes, she tried to follow it. She immediately caught two more shadows, and before she could determine if there were more of them, she felt the air changing around her.

Dusk Till Dawn n. mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now