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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


Olympia did leave the compound, but she hadn't considered where to go and was now seated at the local pub in a far stall. She had closed her eyes, trying to cut off the surrounding sounds and people chatting, drinking, dancing...

She tried to only focus on the cool glass between her fingers. On the cold that spread from it to her fingers. On the feeling of alcohol on her tongue and in her veins. On anything that wasn't the reminder of Niklaus' sad eyes as she left.

Olympe tried to focus on the beating heart of one of the pub's clients; she had targeted a young brunette who was happily chatting with her friends. Her heartbeat was calm and steady, and it helped Olympe to relax even so slightly. By some miracle, no one came to bother her. Maybe something about her kept anyone at bay, today, at least. It was understandable, she had a deep scowl since she stepped inside the pub, and she couldn't seem to shake it off.

Therefore, Olympe quickly noticed when someone stopped by her lonely table. She cracked an eye open and was surprised to see Vincent, awkwardly standing by the table, a hesitating hand above one of the chairs and a drink in the other. Seeing her eyes fixed on him, he immediately smiled.

"Good evening, Olympe," he greeted her, still standing before she gestured him to sit. Vincent was always pleasant company, and she desperately needed some.

"Good evening, Mister Griffith."

"Ah, come on... Don't act like this. Call me Vincent," he half-laughed, half-exclaimed with a smile as he carefully observed her. "I'll say you had a difficult day after we parted at the party," he continued, sipping his drink.

Olympe scoffed.

"It's an understatement..." she sighed, drinking her glass too. "My day was more than just terrible. How do you call a day when you almost die twice... No, three times in less than five hours?"

"That terrible?"

"Genevieve is a psycho bitch, and I don't understand how and why your kind followed her..." She groaned as she looked at her drink. She didn't exactly care if she offended the witch at her side.

Vincent simply nodded with a murmur, agreeing with her, his eyes still resolutely focused on her.

"I heard you killed her," he said, more like stating it.

"She was about to gut out a baby, so yes, I killed her," she shrugged, this time her eyes were in his.

She was surprised to see a worried frown on his slender face as he played with the edge of his glass.

"And what will happen to you now?" he asked, his frown deepening.

"What do you mean?"

"You did your job, right? Genevieve is dead, the baby's alive, and Niklaus can have his happy family. What about you?"

Dusk Till Dawn n. mikaelsonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن