Chapter 23

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Once they finally released each other they walked hand in hand slowly back to the apartment, not wanting to completely break their physical connection to each other. Nora was still sleeping so they sat in the living room. Severine felt bad about trying to leave the way he had but Marcus and Nora weren't going to let him go easily, and as much as it was going to hurt to leave he had to get away from them to keep them safe.

"Don't even," Marcus said.

"Don't even what?"

"Try to come up with another way to leave. I can tell what you are thinking. You going home isn't going to solve anything. Issac has a personal mission to see me taken out even without your father paying him," Marcus replied.

He sighed, "I just don't understand why you won't let me go..."

"We've gone over this Severine, you going isn't going to change anything," Marcus replied. He sounded extremely tired and annoyed.

He opened his mouth to argue more than shut it. Instead he just gave him a short nod. "I'm going to go back to sleep for awhile. Nora and I have to work this afternoon."

"I think that's a good idea, it's still early. I may see if I can go in too," Marcus said.

"You don't have too. You probably need to talk to the landlady about having Nora stay with us for a while," he said. He was careful to use the word us and not you.

"Ugh, why do I have to do it?" Marcus complained playfully.

He smiled, "Because she likes you better."


"Nora, do you have that table?" Severine asked.

"On it girl!" she responded, laughing when she saw the embarrassed look on his face.

He tried to shake off the embarrassment and went to check on his two tables. It had been steady all afternoon but it was starting to slow down. Marcus had said he would stop by to walk them home; he had thanked him, giving his cheek a quick kiss. He had tried to act as normal as possible. When Marcus came to pick Nora and him up he wouldn't be here.

Both of his tables were finished, after they paid, he caught Nora and told her he was going to take his break. She waved him on and turned towards one of her tables with small kids, two of them had just spilled their drinks and were starting to cry. Taking off his apron he slowly walked to the back door, now that he was implementing his plan his legs felt like lead and every step seemed to take all his effort. He knew what he was doing was right but it didn't stop him from hurting.

Taking a deep breath he opened the door and looked up and down the alley making sure Marcus wasn't around. Once he saw the path was clear he stepped into the alley and walked at as normal of a pace as he could manage. When he was around the corner of the Cafe he leaned against the wall taking deep breaths. This is the right thing to do, this will keep them safe, he kept repeating it to himself over and over again.

He pushed himself off the wall and sprinted to Issac's, the curtains were drawn and there were no lights on that he could see but he knew he was there. He bounded up the steps and pounded the front door. It opened almost immediately and Issac stood there with a wicked grin on his face.

"Well, well, well, that didn't take you nearly as long as I had planned. How disappointing. I had so many more fun things in store for you three."

He glared at him, "You have me now, take me to my father and leave Marcus and Nora alone. That was the job you were paid to do was it not?"

"It was indeed. No need to wait, let's go," Issac replied, grabbing his car keys from his pocket.

He continued to glare at him but followed him willingly to the car. He didn't speak the whole way to his home. Even when Issac made a call to his father to tell him they were on their way and he heard his father ask to speak to him. Issac tried to hand him the phone but he simply shook his head still glaring. Issac laughed and told his father they'd have to speak later. He looked at the clock, it was almost six in the evening. Marcus would be arriving at the Cafe any minute, he shuddered at the thought of how he would react when he found him gone, then turned to stare out the window before Issac could see the pain in his eyes.


When they arrived at his home he saw his father's car in the driveway. He repressed the urge to shudder and got out of the car. Issac got on his right hand side and grabbed a hold of his elbow tightly as if to make sure he wasn't going to run off. When they reached the front porch his father was standing in the door frame looking pleased with himself.

"You're back," his father said.

"It's not like you gave me much of a choice," he responded through clenched teeth.

His father gave him a look indicating he would pay for the tone of voice used once Issac was gone. Then he turned to Issac, "Your job is completed. I have no further use for you."

"Actually, I think you're wrong there," Issac said.

He had a look on his face that made Severine's skin crawl. Whatever he was going to say next wasn't good.

"What do you mean?" his father asked.

"Well Severine is home now, like you wanted, but there's still the problem of Marcus and that girl. Once they realize he's gone, Marcus at least, will try to come after him."

"No!" Severine shouted, "He won't. He won't come after me."

His father looked at him then at Issac, considering both of their words. He could practically see the gears turning as his father tried to think of all possible outcomes. 

"You're right," he started slowly, "Something needs to be done with Marcus. The girl, however, should be left alone, she's only human."

"NO!" he screamed, "no! Leave him alone. I came home, that's all you wanted. I did what you wanted, so just leave him alone."

His father back handed him hard across the cheek, he tasted blood. "I'll finish dealing with you later," he turned to Issac, "Do whatever you think needs to be done."

Issac smiled and bowed exaggeratedly, "With pleasure."

Severine leaned heavily against the porch column, it seemed to be the only thing holding him up.

"Come in the house Severine," his father said after Issac had left.

"Why?" he asked quietly.

"Because I said," his father replied.

"No. Why? Why are you letting him go after Marcus? I don't understand. You have what you want. I came home," he said, his voice was shaking but he couldn't stop it.

His father sighed, "Because I can't have you going back and I can't have him trying to come after you. That should be obvious, have you forgotten everything the agency taught you?"

He didn't say anything, he couldn't. Marcus had told him this was going to happen and he hadn't listened. He had thought his father would leave them alone when he came home. He had been so stupid and now Marcus was going to pay the price for it and Nora probably would too. Regardless of what his father said to Issac, he wouldn't leave Nora alone. He would hurt her just for the fun of it. They were both still going to get hurt and it was still his fault.

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