Chapter 32

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"Marcus!" Severine woke up yelling.

He sat straight up in bed, an instant headache making him forget about the dream he had just had. He wondered why his head hurt, then it all came back to him, the phone call, his father pulling him back, and his head connecting with the desk. He touched the side of his head and felt a small bandage wrap. After the memories stopped he realized he wasn't at home, he sat up slowly fully alert, trying to figure out where he was. Most everything in the room was white and there was a clean smell all around him. On the wall by the door was the insignia for the agency, he was in the agency infirmary. He relaxed a fraction, but immediately became alert again when the doorknob started to turn.

He tried to stand up from the bed. He didn't know who was coming in but if it was his father he wasn't going to be caught lying down. The room spun when his feet touched the floor and the pain in his head became worse, he sucked in his breath at the suddenness of it, and heard a surprised gasp from the door.

"Oh my god! Are you stupid? Lay back down! What are you doing?"

"Jana?" he said. He felt like he had yelled her name but his voice was more of a croak.

"Yes, who else? Now sit down! You're going to fall over," she said, rushing to his side.

He let her guide him back down onto the bed and let out a relieved sigh. He didn't lay back down but once he was sitting again it only took a few moments for the room to come back into focus and the pain to subside into a dull throb.

"You have lots of blood from the cut on your head and have a concussion, so take it easy would you," she said, handing him a bottle of water.

He nodded slowly and took the water. He drank some of it before saying anything. "Have you heard from Marcus?" he asked.

She nodded, "Yes. Not long after your call to him ended he called me and made me promise to go find out what had happened to you. I'm glad I did. It was scary when we got there. There was so much blood from the cut on your head on the carpet. Your father was just standing over you..."

"Where is he?" he interrupted.

"Between the pictures I got the other day, this incident, and having a witness who heard it happen we had enough evidence to bring him in," she said.

Her voice was even but he could see in her eyes that she was sorry she'd had to do it. He nodded slowly again. He had known this was going to be the result and he had told his father at the start of all this that he was never going back home, but some small childish part of him had hoped that maybe, just maybe, his father would have changed his ways. Realized what he was losing and went to get help of some kind, but he hadn't.

"Have you heard from Marcus since then?" he asked.

"No, I did tell him that while Zandra was at work with Evanora he needed to stay in the apartment," she said.

"Zandra? Whose Zandra?" he asked.

She looked at him with concern, "His sister. Have you ever met her?"

"Oh," he started, "I met her once but Marcus didn't introduce us. It wasn't the best meeting. I uh...might have called her a bitch."

"Oh my god! That's great!" she was laughing so hard she had tears, "She's not my favorite person in the world but I would never have called her a bitch to her face. She can be vicious. For whatever reason though she is willingly helping Marcus."

"Oh," was all he could think to say.

"Anyway, I mainly just came to check on you. You need to lay back down and get some more rest. We are going to keep you here tonight and at least one more day. Just to be safe," she said.

To the Smelly Boy Apartment It Is! (Story 2 of Sev & M)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ