Chapter 22

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Marcus caught Severine as he fell and carried him to his room, Nora hovering behind him. She pulled the covers back and he laid him gently on the bed then covered him up. He left the door open and they went to the living room.

"Is he okay?" she asked anxiously.

"He's fine, he just passed out. It was too much for him to handle right now," he replied, "How are you even handling it as well as what you are?"

"I don't know. I guess looking at the overall picture I'd rather have you two crazy asses in my life than not have you, so I'll take whatever comes with that," she said smiling.

He gave her a small smile and they sat in silence. He didn't know how he was going to convince Severine not to go back home but he would come up with something. He mentally went through everyone he had known at the agency trying to think of someone that could help them. Since he had been a villain the list was greatly lacking. He contemplated reaching out to his family then discarded the idea. His sister hadn't seemed that upset that Cas had been killed so they would probably be grateful for the chance to get rid of him as well.

Nora was just starting to say something when he heard a whimper coming from his room. He held up his hand to quiet her and after a couple of minutes he heard another one. He sighed, and stood up.

"He's having a nightmare. I'm gonna go lay with him. You can do whatever you want as long as it doesn't include leaving this apartment," he said.

He waited for her to nod then headed towards his bedroom. He saw Severine curled up as small as he could get himself and could tell from the doorway that he was starting to shake. He walked over to the bed and gently got in beside him, he pulled him close, and started playing with his hair. He was surprised when it didn't settle him down. He felt Severine start shaking worse and pulled back slightly. His face was contorted in pain and his breathing was extremely shallow and fast.

"Seve..." he began but didn't get to finish because at that point Severine started screaming.

He almost fell out of bed from the shock of it. It wasn't a normal nightmare scream, it was a terrified blood curdling scream. Nora came running into the room.

"What's going on? What's wrong with him?" she asked frantically.

"I don't know. He just started screaming. Go back to the living room. I'll wake him up, it'll be fine," he told her even though he really didn't know if it would be. He just hoped he sounded convincing.

"Severine, wake up," he said, giving him a small shake.

Severine didn't even register it and continued screaming. He needed to get him awake and out of the nightmare. He knew that shaking him awake or tapping his face wasn't going to work. He groaned in frustration he really didn't want to do what he was about to but he knew he'd never get him awake if he didn't. He took a deep breath.

"Severine, wake UP!" he yelled, and smacked him hard across the face.

Severine stopped screaming, his eyes flew open and he started gasping. He was moving his head frantically from side to side and pushed against Marcus. He grabbed a hold of his arms tightly.

"Severine! Focus! It's me. It's Marcus. You're fine, you're fine," he realized his voice had been firm so he tried to soften it.

Severine let out a couple more gasping breaths then looked at his face. He saw it take him a moment to focus then once he did he let out a sob and buried his face in the nape of his neck. He was still shaking and was giving out gasping, sobbing breaths.

"Hey, it's okay. It's okay. The dream is over now. It wasn't real," Marcus said while rubbing his back.

He continued to talk to him in a soothing voice until he calmed down. It was taking him longer than usual this time and the longer it took the more nervous he became though he tried not to show it outwardly. After what felt like hours he felt Severine finally relax. He was practically jumping out of his skin to ask him what he had dreamt but didn't want to rush him. Nora popped her head into the room and he waved her away. She glared at him before going back to the living room. He knew she was worried about Severine too but he didn't normally tell Marcus what he dreamt so he doubted he was going to be willing to tell them both.

To the Smelly Boy Apartment It Is! (Story 2 of Sev & M)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang