Chapter 19

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The next morning when Severine woke up he felt stiff, he looked around tiredly and realized that he had fallen asleep on the floor next to the couch. Marcus was still sound asleep, he pulled the blanket closer around him then kissed his forehead gently.

Knowing Issac was with the agency and that he had killed Caspian was a huge blow to both of them in different ways. He started to wonder if it would just be better to go back to his father, than maybe he would stop this, and if he stopped Marcus and Nora would be safe. But he wouldn't be able to see either of them anymore. The thought made his heart stop. How would he manage if he couldn't see them again? He sighed heavily and getting up decided he'd take a quick shower before Marcus woke up.

Once he was out of the shower he headed back to the living room and saw Marcus had woken up while he wasn't there. He looked a lot better than he had last night but was still pale. He sat on the couch next to him and grabbed his hand, squeezing it.

"Are you feeling better this morning?" he asked.

"I'm still angry but I have my emotions back under control for the most part," Marcus started, "I'm sorry." He finished quietly.

"Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything wrong," he assured him.

"I've never lost control like that. Not enough to make a whole town lose power. I'm sure you were scared," he said, not looking at him.

"I was scared, but not because of you. I was scared because when I realized it was you that caused the power outage I thought something horrible had happened to you and it had. I was scared for you. All I could think was that I had to find you," he said, squeezing his hand again.

Marcus just nodded. He really hoped he would understand that what had happened wasn't his fault.

"I guess we need to figure out how to tell Nora about our powers now that we know Issac is with the agency," Marcus said.

He was about to agree when his phone rang. He looked and saw it was Nora. She normally texted so his heart skipped a beat, then he scolded himself thinking she probably just pocket dialed him.

"Nora?" He answered.

"Sev!" he pulled the phone away from his ear at the unexpected loudness.

"Yeah, what's going on? Did you dial me on accident?" he asked.

"Yes, I mean no, uh, kinda," she started, "I just got home from work."

"Oh well that's good, you could have just text one of us," he said, "unless you missed our voices." He laughed thinking it was pretty witty for him.

She didn't laugh, "Something's wrong."

He sat up straighter, fully alert, Marcus giving him a funny look, "What do you mean wrong?" Marcus was mouthing what's going on so he flipped it to the speaker phone.

"I got home and everything looked normal but the door wasn't locked. I know I locked it before I went to work. I mean I'm sure I did. I always double check," she rambled.

"Where are you now? Did you go inside?" he asked frantically.

"No I'm still on the porch. I figured I'd call you before I went in. I'm going to go in now," she said.

"NO!" he shouted, "Nora do not go inside. Go back to your car. Marcus and I are on our way. Don't go in. We will be there in five minutes."

As soon as she had said the door was unlocked they had gotten up, put on shoes, and were on their way out the door, making their way to Marcus's car.

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