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School just started back and I'm getting my schedule straight! I'll still be updating every week DO NOT WORRY!!!
On good weeks I'll hope to fit in the two updates!!!


I sank back down into the blankets, wishing to all the gods above that I could simply disappear. I must have zoned out for a moment because when I re-opened my eyes, I could see Piper yelling at Percy.


His sea-green eyes remained fixated on me throughout his entire argument with Piper. Well that was until she snapped her fingers in his face, breaking his eye connection with me.

"Did you not here me?!" Piper rolled her eyes and stood between the bed where I was laying and him, "I said to get, out!"

She pointed to the open door. 

"Please Piper I know that you are here best friend and-"

"You bet your mother's life I am," Piper interrupted.

Percy held up a hand and continued talking, "But just can I talk to her?" He looked over Piper's shoulder and made eye contact with me again.

Piper was about to open her mouth when I spoke first, "Piper let him."

She turned around to me, shooting me a look at clearly said, seriously Annie? 

I returned her look with one that said, he isn't going to leave, might as well let him stay.

She rolled her eyes, I swear-

Can you leave for a little bit? Let him talk to me without you watching his every move?

Piper scoffed, but only glared as she walked out of the room and slammed the door.

Percy seemed a tad bit confused, "Um, so you guys just don't talk?" He asked, cracking a smile that I didn't return.

"What do you want." I choked out, though I knew exactly why he came.

He held out the sticky note, "Who wrote this?" 

"It isn't any of your business." I retorted, I didn't need him knowing that Drew was bullying me. I didn't need him to care, it would make this situation so much easier if he didn't.

"Annabeth...." He approached me for a hug, but I flinched away, "Don't."

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, after a couple moments of silence.

I scoffed, ignoring the tears welling up in my eyes, "Tell you what? That my step-mom is abusive? That my own father hates us enough to visit home twice a year, at best? That my little brothers have to keep safety bags in their bedrooms that they actually use frequently? That my actual mom left us when I was four? When do you think for a split second that that could come up in normal conversation, or that I would want anybody to know? Gods how dense are you?"

Percy looked like all the words were taken from his mouth. "I-"

"Please don't talk," I cried, tears falling down my face.

Even though I moved away from Percy as he neared, he still wrapped his arms around me, holding me as I cried.

"I'm sorry," I cried, "I-"

"No," Percy whispered, "I'm sorry."

After a little bit, I could feel my tears ending, and I looked up. The door was slowly opening, revealing Piper.

"You can go now." I told Percy, wiping my eyes.

Percy nodded, and gave me one shaky smile, before exiting the room.

Piper can and gave me a hug, "You didn't need to do that."

"I know." I said. Yet it felt good that I did. 

"He isn't as bad as you think Piper." I told her.

Piper nodded, "I know... I don't he is bad. I just want the best for you. I mean, he never even asked why you lived with me, he just accepted it and moved on. I think it was only time before he found out."

I sniffled and agreed, "Mmmk."

She heaved me up, "You are not going back to sleep. Come on, breakfast. It's already like eleven."

I laughed, "Coming!"