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I laid in a curled up ball on the floor of Piper's closet. The darkness, in a strange way, was comforting. Silent tears ran down my face. 

What was I even supposed to do at this point? Even if I did get over what Drew wrote, I still ran out of the Theatre sobbing like a baby. Who even knows what everyone thought of me now.

I was trapped in a never ending circle of tears.

I wasn't sure was time it was, well not until I heard voices downstairs. 
I knew those voices.


Piper and-


I tried to collect myself frantically, off the floor of the closet, before flopping down again. Who even cares. I slapped my arm away from him and shut him out, when all he was trying to do was care.

I wouldn't blame him if he hated me.

And even so, a part of me- the part with the most common sense- knew that Piper wouldn't let Percy take a step into this room with me like this. She was protective like that... and I was glad.

Not that I didn't care what Percy thought of me, I did. But everyone needs a best friend in their life, and its for a different reason than a crush. So I prayed, that Piper didn't let him in.

As if the gods of the universe could hear me, I heard the door opening, and Piper yelling at someone, who I assumed was Percy.

"Percy!?" Piper cried, clearly exasperated, "I told you to leave a while ago, stop following me!"

Percy's voice pained me, but I stayed silent, "Please Piper, I-"

"Seriously Perce if you don't get out this immediate second I will call the police and frame you of breaking in."

I cracked a smile. Yep, I could always count on Piper.

Percy was silent for a while, before I heard him mumble something barely audible.

"For gods sakes Percy," Piper cried, "No I don't know how she's doing, maybe if you get. OUT. I could answer that for you over a nice phone call, because then you WON'T be in jail for breaking an entry. How does that sound?"

I heard him mumble something else, before footsteps backing away from her bedroom.

I laughed silently to myself.

I heard her bedroom door close and her footsteps nearing the shut closet door. My eyes were shut where I layed, and I heard the door creek open, and light filled the room beyond my shut eyelids.

Piper creeped into the closet, and stopped when she saw me on the floor.

"Woah, it's worse that what I thought." She murmured.

I laughed lightly, lifting my head up from where it laid on the floor, realising I had wet the carpet from my tears.

Piper came and layed down on the floor next to me, putting both her hands behind her head and staring up at the ceiling.

"So what's wrong?" She asked as if it was the most normal thing in the world. See, what I did, it wasn't like me. I don't simply burst into tears and run out of something when I made a commitment.
I would swallow, give myself a minute to feel self pity and then suck it up for the rest of the day.

And the fact that Piper was willing to stick by me even though whatever I just did, made more tears come to my eyes.

I sighed and sat up, reaching for my bag. "I- I don't even know where to start."

I plopped my bag onto my lap and ran my fingers through my hair. I hadn't told Piper about Drew, or the notes. I mean, after what was demonstrated with Percy just moments ago, I thought I had a pretty good excuse not to.

I mean I didnt want my best friend in jail at 16 for first degree murder, did I?

"Just what's making you cry?" Piper asked quietly.

I opened my front pocket and looked for the sticky note.

Then it hit me.


I had left it in the music locker rooms.
On the floor.
A bright pink sticky note.
Lying on the floor.

What would stop anyone from picking it up and reading it? It was literally addressed to me, well Annie Bell, but anyone with half a brain cell would know who that is.

New tears came to head and I collapsed onto the floor, pouring everything out to Piper.

When I was done I looked up at her. Her face was a mixture of confusion, anger, and sadness.

"Oh Annie," she said, wrapped her arms around her.

"Please don't tell anyone." I whispered. I looked up at her more seriously, "Or do anything stupid."

She rolled her eyes, "then what am I for?"

"To go get me hot chocolate." I said stubbornly.

She laughed, "only because you're all sad and mopey."

She got up and exited the wardrobe, yelling, "You better be outta there by the time your hot chocolate is finished other wise it's mine!

I laughed, what would I do without her?


After a long night of possible more tears, and just distracting discussion, I managed to fall asleep.

The next morning was a Saturday, and boy was I glad. No school, no one I needed to talk to, no pink sticky notes, and no-


I groaned and pushed Piper off the bed, "go get it." I muttered before falling back asleep.

I swear I had only been in my peaceful slumber for thirty seconds before Piper had returned with someone else, though it looked unwillingly, as if she was chasing that person.

That person happened to be Percy.

And that person also happened to be holding a pink sticky note.