Y/N- Really? Are you the one who wanted to meet me right?

????- Yeah, of course and I wanted to tell you that I listened to all of your songs on YouTube and you are simply talented in the arts.

Y/N- Wow...thank you for your kind words. And what's your name if you don't me asking.

????- The name is Alice. Its 'so' nice to meet you Y/N.~

Y/N- Oh Hello Alice, nice to meet you as well. Now, I gotta get back to setting up, I'll maybe see you in the dance floor.

Alice- Yeah...I know you will, bye bye.~

Then she went back to the couch and I turned around to get back outside, I just need to this and that and I should be ready for tonight.

Y/N- Tonight......Its time to rock!

(Timeskip to nighttime)

The party was in the hundreds of young teens and a few college looking folks but luckily this mansion could hold so many people and the fact that this is in the middle of the forrest away from the city from miles away is a good way of avoiding various of noise complaints. But I was playing some pop tunes and there was dancing, cheering, laughing and many other loud noises. I tried to look for Alice on the dance floor but no luck, only when I looked up where the houses upstairs sitting area, she was sitting on one of those chairs and was staring at me the whole time with a smile on her face and when I waved hi to her, she blushed and waved back to me and even winked at me.

Y/N's mind- Ok..I was not expecting that but...its welcome nevertheless.

Then around 10pm, it was time to turn-up the beat.


*Intense shouting and cheering!!!*

Then I played one of my mixups and this one took me months before hand to do. 

*(A/N- This is not mine, this belongs to the channel that produced this and credit goes out to them)*

Y/N's mind- Now..let the night begin.

4 hours later.........

Now it was around 2am in the morning and almost everyone is gone except for a few sleeping drunks who had a little too much beer but I didn't come here to wake up drunks, I was here to turn up the party and I did my job good. 

Y/N- Now...time to make my exit.

Now, I wanted to say bye to Alice and maybe get her number so we can chat more often as I think she's cool to hang out with. I went inside the house and I searched all around but didn't see her. Oh well, there goes that idea...ok now its time to leave. I went outside to get to my car and what I saw was absolutely horrifying. My car's tires was taken out, and it was covered in red paint all over it and the worst part is that on the road, it had a message that said:

"Your not going anywhere CyberDJ.....you will be my DJ and source of entertainment...forever.~"

- Signed your one true fan.~

I panicked and ran to the right side of the road in order to escape but unfortunately I heard footsteps running after me but I didn't dare to look behind as too not slow me down. But even after all that running, I didn't seem to lose the chaser after me and I was getting very tired...

The official Yandere's X worker readers one-shot book(Finished)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें