When Light Joins the Dark Part 11

Start from the beginning

He tried to punch the Grimm. It released Muret from its bite and jumped back, avoiding Bellamy's punch. In front of Bellamy and Sarquiss, it vanishes in front of them. Both are shocked at what they had just seen.

The audience is at a loss for words at what they just saw.

"Did it just turn invisible?" Ruby asked.

"Yes," Jack said, "That is one of its special abilities."

"I've never met a Grimm that could do that," Port said in awe.

"There are some out there, but none of you have found it yet," Jack said.

Many shuddered at ever meeting something like that Grimm.

"However, this Grimm you won't see naturally in the wild," Jack said.

"What do you mean?" Ozpin asked.

"This Grimm was made by Salem and Jaune," Jack said.

Everyone was wide-eyed at that.

"Jaune helped make that?!" Lie yelled in disbelief.

"How?" Blake asked.

"While Salem can make Grimm, she lacks imagination," Jack said, "Jaune has the imagination. Salem's Grimm creation and Jaune's imagination make Grimm like this."

Many were sad this Jaune helped make something like this.

Salem's heart was beating faster. She wanted Jaune by her side more.

"Muret!" Bellamy shouted trying to stop the bleeding.

"Bellamy, forget her she is as good as dead. We got to get ou -Ack!" Saquiss said but was interrupted by something wrapped tight around his neck. He drops his kukri because of it.

Bellamy turns around and sees a long appendage wrapped around Sarquiss's neck. Suddenly, he starts getting pulled away. He tries to struggle free, but can't.

"Sarquiss!" Bellamy shouted.

He tried to go to his teammate but felt a shot to his leg. He looked and saw the shot came from the masked man. He was holding one of Muret's revolvers.

"Bastard!" Bellamy shouted.

Jaune nods his head.

"I'll fucking kill you!" Bellamy shouted.

Bellamy activates his semblance. Soon, he presses back his feet and immediately shoots forward at an incredible speed, destroying the surface his feet was on.

"Whoa!" Many shouted.

Bellamy launched himself at Jaune, to punch him.

Before the punch could connect, Jaune put his hand out and Bellamy stopped in mid-air, just a few feet short of Jaune's face.

"What the- Why can't I move?!" Bellamy asked in outrage.

"Spring," Jaune said.

"What?" Bellamy asked.

"Your semblance is Spring. It allows you to make your limbs like literal springs. With this, you can jump and bounce to new heights. For combative purposes, you launch yourself at high speed to give your punches an extra boost," Jaune said, "However, in order to use it, you need a solid surface."

"How do you know so much about my semblance?" Bellamy asked.

"Simple," Jaune began.

Jaune Arc: Hope and Despair in the MultiverseWhere stories live. Discover now