Taylor blushes at being so directly called out, though she shouldn't be surprised. Karlie knows how to read her about as well as her mom and Selena. And even though she feels exposed by how easily the model knows her, she knows her girlfriend isn't saying it to make her feel bad. It's actually the opposite. Karlie phrased it the same way she did, knowing perfectly well what excuse she would use and why, while simultaneously pointing out the flaws in Taylor's own thought process without being accusatory. She was just stating the truth.

But this is what she means by stubborn. Karlie is incredibly patient and kind hearted, always willing to lend a hand to someone, even without them asking. And she won't take no for an answer. Whereas she knows she is also stubborn for refusing to ask for help, especially in situations when she could actually use it because she doesn't want to seem like a burden to anyone.

"I think it's letting up a bit." The model says, dipping her head to look out the windshield. The rain had let up and she hadn't heard or seen any thunder or lightning in the last few minutes. "We should probably make a break for it soon."

Before the songwriter can say anything else, Karlie is popping the trunk and exiting the car to get her bags. Taylor shakes her head, unable to stop smiling at her wonderful girlfriend. She exhales a deep sigh, bracing herself for the trek in the rain before opening the door and joining the model at the trunk. Luckily the rain seems to have stopped for the moment.

"You should go unlock your door, I'll get the rest of these." Karlie offers, having most of the songwriter's stuff tucked under her arms and draped over her shoulders. So the blonde does as she's asked and hurries up the front steps. She has a little trouble getting the key to fit in the lock and fumbles with it for a moment, jiggling it slightly until it clicks; shouldering the door open just in time for her girlfriend to walk in right behind her, using her foot to drag the door closed.

Taylor flicks the light switch, noticing her fur babies are nowhere in sight. She knows how much they hate storms, so they're probably huddled up under her bed covers. She moves over to turn a lamp on to help brighten the room a bit.

"Where are the girls?" Karlie asks, surprised they haven't come out to find their owner.

"They hate storms. Well, all loud noises really, but storms are pretty hard on them. Mere likes to hide all the time, but Olivia gets so worked up over them, she ends up terrorizing Mere cuz she can't calm down."

The model nods in understanding. "Do you want me to bring in the stuff from the antique shops? It's starting to sprinkle out there, but I didn't want your rug to get wet, so I figured I'd ask you first."

"Oh, I can get it. I forgot about all that stuff."

"I don't mind keeping it there. I just was worried about getting it wet. Clothes and stuff can be washed, but I don't know how well antique rugs do when they get wet."

"It's fine." The songwriter says, moving back towards the door. "You don't need to be driving around with my crap in your car." Taylor waves her off, but is blocked by the model.

"Hey." Karlie says softly, stepping in front of her girlfriend to keep her from going out in the rain.

"Seriously. It's not a big deal." The songwriter insists, attempting to side step the model, but her girlfriend just shifts with her, continuing to block her in.


"Karlie." The blonde snarks, irked by her girlfriend's infuriatingly calm tone.

"Can you please look at me?"

Taylor huffs, finally looking up and meeting green eyes that look at her far too lovingly. She immediately feels bad for snapping at her girlfriend.

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