
They had been walking around town and had witnessed three different bombings already. But they were all a bit far from them and apart from the debris and shock, they didn't witness a lot of problems.

The town was mostly empty and so far they had seen just a few people. None of them seemed like they were informants at least. Dean had asked them to gather again and get a new plan because walking around wasn't working anymore.

"So now what? The informant must have already left the town. I know any sensible person would leave this area." Dean stated.

"Dean's right. For all we know, he might have left the area. And we have to leave this building before we are crushed by it." Tawfiq looked up at the roofing of the already weak building.

They couldn't just gather anywhere and start making plans so they had to use this building and compared to the rest, this actually was a lot better. Still dangerous but better.

"We could ask someone. Indirectly though. Explain to them we are looking for a man who was previously an activist in the country. They ought to know him." Bella suggested.

"We could. But how do we know the person is not a rebel..." Layla stopped talking and placed a finger on her lips to signal them to keep quiet.

After a while she heard a can roll by them.

"Get down!" She screamed but it was too late.

The stun grenade and smoke bomb went off and everyone became disoriented.

Fortunately, stun grenades didn't have a big effect on the Calvary. They were trained to be able to withstand the harsh light and screeching sound. The result of harsh training and constant exposure to it. They could hold their breaths too for long so the smoke wasn't a problem.
Their vision was however a bit impaired by the smoke and they couldn't see clearly. And the night vision goggles were too deep inside their bags to fetch.

However, if a stun grenade was ever used by the enemy on them. They had to lie low and wait for the enemy to show up. The element of surprise was very powerful.

Layla could hear footsteps approaching quickly. They sounded less than six people from what she could hear. She knew her girls were waiting for her command to attack. And maybe Bella. She had to remember her training.

When the footsteps got close to them, Layla whistled lowly.

They used less than a second to get all five people on the ground. Bella was by her holding one person on the ground. They weren't expecting them to attack so it was easier to demobilize all of them.

After a while, the smoke started to clear and on the ground was not only their captors but the men of their group. They were all out of breath from all the smoke they had inhaled. Ergo they didn't know how to tune out the stun grenade and hold their breath long enough.

Layla looked at the person on the ground. A man. Three times her size. But the bigger they are, the harder they fall.

Karim felt like his lungs were burning up from the amount of smoke he had inhaled. Everyone was on the ground trying to normalize their breathing and take in fresher air. He could see the women holding their attackers down. That was quick. If they weren't here, they would have be dead already.

Karim coughed and stood up whiles helping Michael on his feet.

He could see Layla talking to the person she had on the ground.

"Who the fuck are you? And why are you after us?" Layla twisted the man's hand further back causing him to groan in pain.

"I got a woman here." Jyra spoke.

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