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*This is an alternate scene of the episode where Violet finds out Wordgirl's Identity. Rhyme and Reason do not appear. *

Becky's POV: I was playing on the playground with Bob. or at least trying too. But I couldn't get Violet out of my mind. I know I shouldn't have kept my Identity as Wordgirl as secret but I had too. I mean if a Villain was to find out about who I was it could be life threatening. I mean they could kidnap her and use her a bate so I would come and battle them. They could target everyone that we even know because of me. And I don't want that. Then again I guess she wouldn't tell anyone if I asked her not to. UGH! It's complicated. All I know for sure is that I miss her. And Idk what to do to bring her back. Just then my thoughts were interrupted by non other then Tobey's robot's. I didn't want to fight today but I knew I had too. So I left for the nearest and biggest bush. And out of the corner of my eye I see Violet looking sadly at me. But also knowingly at the same time. I had never disliked being Wordgirl more in my life. I changed into my costume and flew off to defeat Tobey. When I got there I saw him on top of one of his robot's shoulder with what appeared to be a bright red rose. "Oh boy." I said to myself and flew to see what he wanted. Even though I could already tell.

Tobey's POV: I had my rose in hand ready to give it to Wordgirl. At least after my robots defeated her. Today will finally defeat Wordgirl and she will be mine! Nothing can Stop Tobey Macalastar the 3rd form winning the Girl of his dreams. "Stop this right now Macalastar!" I heard Wordgirl shout behind me. "Ah Wordgirl! How are you? Wonderful day it is right?" I said trying to be as charming as I can be. "It was at least decent till you and your Robots showed up!" She shouted looking rather upset. "Well then I apologize in advance." I said. Please say it. Please say  it. "Apologize for what?" She said with a hint of venom in her voice that I must admit I didn't expect but non the less. "For this!" And I sent my Robots to get Wordgirl. She groaned loudly and went to battle them. Man did I love doing that!
*Time Skip*
Becky's POV: They had me surrounded now. Tobey must have done something to them cause they were much stronger then usual. I felt pinned to the ground and I saw Tobey appear in the hand of the one in front of me. He cackled as the hand came down to where I was. He still had the Rose in his hand. And walked a little closer to me. "You know Wordgirl. This whole dilemma you've gotten yourself into can all go away.  I just need you to do 2 things for me." He said as he offered the Rose to me. Seemingly trying to temp me with it. "And those things are?" I asked irritated. "1 You have to tell me your Identity. And 2 once you tell me. You have to go out with me." He said. "Never! I will not let you know my Identity!" I shouted. "Ugh why you little!" He began to say until We heard a voice nether one of us expected. "VIOLET!" I exclaimed non pure shock. She didn't answer back and just looked at Tobey with a mad face.
Tobey's POV: "Violet? What are you doing here?" I asked her. I was very confused. "Let Wordgirl go!" She demanded. Don't do this Violet. Your the only person in school I actually like. Or at least don't despise. "And what actually are you gonna do about it?" I asked her is confusion. "This." She said. She then pulled out a camera. "Hahaha! You don't seriously think taking a photo of me will defeat AAHH!" I didn't get to finish my sentence as the flash of the camera nearly blinded me. I felt a gust of wind as I fixed my eye site and when I could finally see again I saw Wordgirl and Violet on top of a roof. Wordgirl then flew back down and destroyed my Robots one by one till finally they were all defeated. "NOOO!" I exclaimed "My Robots!" Wordgirl didn't pay attention to me though as I saw her and Violet talking a little. And then a second later grabbed her and flew off. This made me curious. I have always wondered where Wordgirl went after our battles. Perhaps I should go and investigate?
Becky's POV: I flew Violet to a building far away from the Robot attack. We were silent for a bit till I finally spoke up. "So. Why did you come?" I asked. " I don't know. It's just. Now that I know it's you. I just couldn't let you get hurt." She explained. I felt a lump in my throat. When she said that. But I tried to keep myself stable. "Violet. Under this costume. It's still me. I'm still the girl who can sit with you and talk with you for hours. I'm still Becky Botsford." I tried to reassure her. Hoping she would understand and she would be my friend again. "But your much more." She said. "You're Wordgirl." And she started to walk away towards the door behind me. I couldn't hold it back anymore and I turned around. "Can we be friends again? Please." I asked her practically begging.  "I don't know Becky. I will have to think about it." She said. And with that Violet left. I felt hot tears run down my cheek. I felt like I would never get my friend back. Just then I heard a voice behind me I didn't want to hear. "Becky!" The voice said in disbelief. I turned around and saw "Tobey!" I shouted in surprise. Tobey's face was a mix of Shock and realization. We stared at each other for a while till I grabbed his arm and flew him to a near by alleyway. "What do you want Tobey?!" I asked as my voice cracked a bit due to still being sad.
Tobey's POV: I couldn't believe it. Becky was Wordgirl I was right! But at the same time. That means! I have been around the girl of my dreams all the time!! My thoughts were interrupted by her grabbing my arm and practically Grading me to a near by Alleyway. "What do you want Tobey?!" She asked. Though I could hear a slight crack in her voice. Sounded like she wanted to cry. I didn't know how to respond. "Um I... well I was just walking by and over heard your conversation with Violet." I said trying not to sound inconspicuous. "Heh yeah right you were probably spying on me weren't you? Well Let me tell you something Macalastar! If you think you can use the people I care for a way to defeat me then you have another thing coming!" She yelled at me through a whispering voice. "What are you saying?" I asked confused.  "You know what I mean! Using the people I care about as a lee way to get to me!" She argued. "Especially Violet!" "Violet?" I questioned a little scared now at Wordgir- Becky's outburst. "Violet? Why would I hurt Violet? I would never." I exclaimed. Becky's face went from anger to a little confusion mixed with shock. "You wouldn't?" She asked. "No of course not. I have no intention to hurt her or anyone you know." I explained and crossed my arms to show seriousness. She calmed down a bit and we were silent for a little bit. Then she spoke. "Why?" She asked in a calm voice. "Well for 1 I actually like. Violet. She isn't as irritating as most everyone else in the school." I explained. "Then why know my Identity?" "My dear I simply just wanted to know who I was fighting. And falling for." I mumbled to myself. "What was that?" She asked. " I said what were you doing on the roof top with Violet?" I asked. Becky didn't speak for a little bit. And then took a deep breath and spoke up. "I was trying to get her to be my friend again." She explained. "I thought she was your friend?" "She found out my secret Identity yesterday and felt like I betrayed her and our friendship. And Now she doesn't wanna be my friend anymore." She explained while she hiccuped with tears fell down her face. She realized I could see them and walked next to the curb on the road so I couldn't see her face. I didn't really know what to do. I am not really the best as comforting people. But I have to admit I felt bad for her. She obviously didn't say anything out of trying to protect Violet, as well as everyone else. I decided to give it a shot and walked over and sat next to her.
Becky's POV: Tobey walked over to me and sat down next to me. I felt a little embarrassed. I didn't like crying in front of people. And here I am crying in front of Tobey of all people. I was waiting for him to walk away not wanting to be involved in my drama or something but he just sat next to me. And I could see out of the corner of my eye that he was trying to figure out what to say to me. Finally he spoke. "You know you two are joined at the hip right?" He asked. "She's been my Best friend almost since day one. And we've done everything together." I explained. "Well then I am sure that you too will be fine. Sure you're not on the best terms right now but with a friendship as strong as yours I am sure Violet won't just throw it away." I whipped as much of my tears as I could and looked at him. And I saw something I never thought I'd see. Tobey was being genuinely tender. And nice like. I honestly didn't know a sympathetic Tobey existed but here he was. Talking to me. "But idk what to say to bring her back. I mean I just wanted to keep her safe. To keep everyone safe. But I guess I hurt her more by not saying anything." I pouted. "Maybe just give her time to herself? She is probably feeling a mix of emotions right now. I am sure she understands but it's just hard to comprehend." Tobey said reassuringly. "Comprehend means to understand." I stated. "Well you get what I am trying to say right?" He said rubbing the back of his neck. "I am just worried she won't ever be my friend again. And worse wondering if it's for the better of herself. I mean. I am not really that good of a friend  anyway." I said. I then put the head my hands and looked away form Tobey. Just then he stood up almost like a protester and pointed his finger to the sky causing me to look up. "Not true!" He said. I quickly shushed him a bit reminding him that we still on the streets and people could hear him. He somewhat quieted down. "Anyway as I was saying is that your wrong Word- Becky! You are a wonderful friend. You constantly sacrifice your time in day to protect the city and everyone you care about in it. You are willing to explain things to your friends even if they are dumb questions. You are always looking to do the right thing. Your intellect and bright and optimistic. You have a great since of humor. You are good looking in general and and." Tobey stopped when he realized everything he had just said and started blushing like Mad. "Well I- I mean you get what I am saying." He stuttered. I started blushing too thinking about all the things he just said. Did he really think that highly of me? We stared for a minute until I gave a small smile. I stood up, walked over and hugged Tobey. He was a little hesitant at first but he hugged back. "Thank you. I needed that."'I whispered. We broke the hug and he gave a sweet smile back at me. He then put the Rose he had been holding on to in my hair and said "anytime." I felt myself start to blush again as I saw the sunset. "Oh gosh. Well it's getting late so we should probably head back home now." I explained. He looked a little disappointed but nodded his head. We said our goodbyes and I flew back home. And I could hear Tobey shooting for joy the moment I left him to cheer. I felt my face wouldn't stop burning. I never knew Tobey could be so sweet. That's when a question popped in my head I never thought possible. Could I like Tobey Macalastar the 3rd now?!
*Time skip again*
I was going to class when I saw Violet walking up to me. I got nervous but hopeful at the same time. She motioned me to come to her so I did. "Hey Becky. Can we talk?" She asked "well of course." I replied and sat down with her. She hesitated to speak but finally did. "Becky. I have been thinking a lot lately. And I really really miss you. But before I ask if we can be friends again I have to know." She paused. "Why did you keep your Identity a secret from me?" She asked. "I kept my Identity a secret cause I thought it would protect you. I was worried that if a villain was to find out about my Identity then he or she would use that against us." I explained. "But I wouldn't have told anyone." "I know Violet. I realized I was wrong. Please can you ever forgive me?" I asked. Violet then gave me a happy smile and hugged me. "Of course Becky!" She said. I couldn't help but tear up when she said that. We hugged for what felt like hours till we heard the bell ring. So we walked to class. Hand in hand. Best friends. I saw Tobey besides the side of the building and he gave me a thumbs up and a wink. I smiled at this and walked inside. Happy now to have my best friend back. And now I think even having a crush.

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