Chapter 8 (english version)

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Veebha and Saurav continued to fight fiercely until their anger was the same at its peak no matter who and what strength it was like she had to help her friends before they did more than before.


"Damn, where do I have to go, here is a dead end even I forget the way out now, does Veebha not just tell me to do something else, if I run like this then, then how big will my feet turn out, no no huh, calm down ok, don't panic later your beauty will be lost, oh my god help me find a way out, otherwise I will run until morning "Teja said, continuing to run while grumbling with his current state, even his life was now in danger, especially shaheer who kept chasing him.

"Then where am I now, god please help me, at least once in my life I become a hero for them, because there is no way I can live long, they will also slowly help me and my fate, my fate will be the same as Arjun and face"

"Oho is that so, your fate will indeed be the same as your dear friends" said faintly a man with a distinctive smile made him feel uncomfortable and memorized the slightly heavy baritone voice.

"Sh ... sh ... sh ... shaheer, eum, eum ka ... ka ... ka ... you, gosh you just surprised me shah, hehe I'm just looking for fresh air in in the heat of the heat, you happen to be here hehe, you want to accompany me to walk the path of shah "teja said, feeling stuttered and trying to be normal in front of this handsome but deadly man

"Yes, that's okay, honey, in fact it makes me feel better" said Shaheer, smiling sarcastically at the woman who feels nervous and scared.

"Eum tap .... tap .... tap .... but ka ... ka ... you really ha ... ha ... you have to carry a weapon like that hah, what's wrong here? ..da ... da ... and I think ka ... ka ... you don't deserve to hold that weapon I'm sure it "said teja interrupted when he saw an ax in his hand and listened to the unclear babble with an embarrassed look.

"Why can't you, oh or do you want to try whether this weapon is sharp or not towards your head, hmm, I'm happy" said Shaheer with a deadly smile.

"eum ti ... ti ... ti ... no shah, ma ... ma ... ma ... what I mean is, you ... you ... you don't You deserve to hold a weapon like that, but your handsome face deserves to hold a bouquet of roses and also ride a white horse and you don't deserve to put on your scary face, but that cute and adorable face, your clothes are tidy a little and your hair is suitable as a horse prince. white, not a prince but a syco, eh wrong that, that, oh what, think about it, "said teja trying to distract him with a lot of praise and his fantasy made Shaheer just flat and rolled his eyes.


Teja was surprised by the shah's scream and reflexively threw the shaheer with pebbles and wood there, making the shaheer angry, not playing, immediately swinging his ax towards Teja but teja already ran first

"BEDEBAH, LESS TEACHING, JALANG WOMEN, DON'T RUN YOU" said Shaheer angrily running after Teja quickly.

Veebha and Saurav are still fighting fiercely even though they are both injured, but their breaths still don't stop and they are still breathing fast.

"I told you, you can't finish me, it's useless you waste your energy it's better you just give up and don't think you can fight me"

"You don't know my strength yet, don't underestimate the strength of a woman, women are even more dangerous than anyone, you understand, don't jumawa first, LET'S SEE WHO'S SO SUPERIER," said Veebha brandishing her gun with a breath of glee at the man in front of her who is her current opponent.

"Oh yeah, we'll see," she said with a sinister smile as if she underestimated the enemy in front of her, but a weak, helpless woman.


Veebha continues to attack Saurav with the knife he brought from Vin when fighting him earlier, while Rohit and Mouni are alone in a room where there are corpses scattered everywhere.

"Please free me from here. What's our real fault, why are you hunting us all?! Why?! Let me go Rohit I beg you" Mouni begged while her hands were tied by a rope.

"Free yourself? Hahaha don't dream and hope you will be free from here dear, cup cup cup why are you crying, even though I just wanted to play with you" said Rohit squatting in front of himself by showing a concerned face to him.

"I don't want to play with you, I want to leave here! Please free me, don't hurt me, I have nothing to do with your family or anyone else I don't understand all this" said Mouni at length making Rohit nodded his head and thought with the knife in his hand

"Hmm, what you said is true too. What we did, you didn't have anything wrong with me or my family right. Oh honey I'm really sorry about that," said Rohit, rubbing his hair, and putting the other hair behind his ear. gently

"I beg you to let me go from here, don't kill me, I beg you" said Mouni and continued to plead as the tears continued to stream down her wound, the more severe

"I will not kill you dear, trust me. I will not kill you, you trust me dear, come on don't be afraid and keep crying or I will cry too" Rohit said, stroking Mouni's cheeks gently and smiling thinly.

"Don't touch me, I don't want to be touched by your dirty hands!!!"

"Oho is that so, my hands are not dirty, look, there are only blood spots on my hands, but for me this is an interesting art" said Rohit showing his hand there was blood on the Mouni with a smile.

"It's too much, you think all this is attractive to you hah?! You don't even have a heart and don't feel sorry for a woman! What kind of man are you hah?! And Pooja, Pooja must be your wife right, if I become his wife I want to kill you right away!" shouted Mouni. making Rohit just shaking his head and smiling at him

"If you are married to Pooja, even your brothers must have children and whether you treat that child the same as us, or more than that. You really don't have a heart, even your own children, of course you kill without cause, okay? Answered!! "Obviously the long Mouni made Rohit round his eyes and breathed heavily

"SHUT UP YOU MOUTH!!! I ALREADY PATIENT WITH WHAT YOU SAY, BUT YOU BECOME BECOME BECOME, BIT*H!!!" Rohit said, starting to emit his anger viciously and immediately pulled the mouni's hair and slapped her repeatedly.

"Even so, you will never be saved YOU HEAR !!!! YOU WILL NOT BE FOOLISH !!!" Rohit said, whipping him with a whip made of rope as hard as possible until the Mouni screamed in pain and even his injured hand was stabbed back with his knife.

"You know how it feels when you face all of this, DARE YOU TALK ABOUT MY CHILDREN, F*CK!!!" he said as he continued to whip the Mouni mercilessly and did not forget he slashed his leg with a knife and the blood dripped slowly but surely.

"Pooja, I, I don't understand your family tree, you say they are your husband, it means you are a bit*h, it's a fool of me who was fooled by your seduction bast*rd!!!"

"Oh yeah, you said I'm a bit*h? It's true what you say, but don't you enjoy it, men don't know yourself and are hypocrites too" said Pooja, smiling thinly and didn't hesitate to pull out his nails with a knife and a razor.




"How does it feel dear, already satisfied and just enjoy the results of your deeds. YOU FUCKING FOOLISH, NOT MYSELF MEN!!!" shouted Poo as he drew the knife on his stomach while making the poor man round his eyes perfectly and blood flowing from his body to the sheet.

"It turns out that your guts are strong too dear, even if you get hurt you even glare at me" said Pooja, smiling with satisfaction seeing himself suffer




Pooja does not hesitate to now become cruel, that is to take his eyes with a satisfied laugh seeing his victim suffer and scream like a very beautiful melody


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