Tears were forming in her eyes. "I am sorry. I should have came directly and explained to you. Tell to your parents and all. But I was a coward. I didn't came out of the castle. Scared, mainly"

"Hey!" I protested. "You are brave. Really brave. You lived without your family for 11 years. I know how it is to live without parents. But I still had, somebody to call my family. They weren't blood related but still were a family to me. You lived with the guards, servants and all those people. Not with a parental figure."

"And have you seen the way you fight? You are the best fighter in the world. Of this age, of course. You are amazing. Please never say you are a coward."

She looked at me, her eyes pooling in tears while my heart filled with sorrow. And the next thing she did surprised me.

She hugged me.


I was ready in the dress Athena gave, with the help of the maiden who's name I figured out as Brittany. Admiring her work, which happens to be me, she started talking.

"There's something missing. The look lack something."

She encircled me, moved back and forth, asked me to walk, trying to figure out what is the look missing. We were disturbed by a knock on the door, which was attended by Brittany. Another older looking maid was standing.

"The Princess' presence is asked." She informed.

"Oh yes, that's what we want." she whispered something quickly into the old maid's ear and hurried her off.

"Just a few more minutes, then we will be off to the dinner." Brittany told me, closing the door behind her.

"I am nervous Brittany." I said, looking at the reflection of mine. I looked different. Like an actual Royal I looked like. I turned to her as she started to speak.

"Well, there is something I need to tell you, Princess," tilting my head, I listened in. "Do not call me Brittany please. Brit, Tan, anything like that please."

Amused by her request, I thought about it before asking.

"What does Athena call you?"


"Do you like that name?"

"I love it."

"Do you mind me calling you that?"

"Of course, no."

"Then I will call you Tan, okay?"


We were disturbed by a knock again which was, again, attended by Brit- Tan.

"Oh yes, isn't princess Athena is also wearing it?"

"Yes, she is."

"Okay, thank you. We will be there in a moment."

With a nod she backed up and Tan closed the door. And in her hand was a crown.

"You joking, right?" I asked Tan.

"You wish."

On a black cushion sat a rose gold crown with little flower patterns adorning its body. Diamonds, small and large, decorated some parts of the crown. There were twelve villi-like things with four taller than rest. It reminded me of clock.

"Now Princess, wear this and make the look complete."

She neared the crown towards me.

"Oh no, never. I am not a Princess."

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