Chapter 1-Return to Tyr

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『 You have 1 Unread Message. 』

Sayu blinked unexpectedly at the small text box that spawned from nowhere. Her eyes wandered around the room as she began to realize something entirely different.

"Where am I?"

The walls around her were unfamiliar and foreign. It was like a long corridor that stretched from one end to the other and at the finish line was nothing but complete bleak darkness. Luckily, at least in the area which she now found herself standing, were a row of torches lined up perfectly across from each other making it visible around her.

She was feeling so dumbstruck that the weight of something being held around her hand came as a surprise when she tried moving her arms. Sayu looked down at her hand and noticed her fingers wrapped around the base of what looked like an ordinary baseball bat.

She blinked again, the confusion growing ever so more but again something was right at the center of her eyesight.

『 You have 1 Unread Message. 』

The same text as before and a slow cold creeping feeling rose from her back and spread across her body. There was only one place she knew where things like this would be possible.


Her mind began to race as to how this was possible. Last she remembered; she had been confronting God, she felt a sense of energy overwhelming her, and then she had been removed from this universe. Then-

Sayu's eyes shifted back and forth trying to remember what happened next. She knew there was more, but she stood there now without any recollection of it.

"I was kicked out and then-" Sayu tried filling in the blank but nothing came up. The memories were there but for some reason she did not have access to them, it felt frustrating.

『 You have 1 Unread Message. 』

How was she here? Ignoring the fact that her memory was faulty at the moment, she could vividly remember some important things. For example, access to Tyr had become impossible. Even celestial beings could not make their way in, and it had not been by done Shi or his sister. How was it that she could recall that information, but there was no direct memory of that attached with it. It was like reading instructions of a manual book. Either way, there was too much missing in her head at the moment for a proper assessment. Logically the next step, if she were to skip panicking, was finding out where she was now.

Her attention shifted back to corridor, it was incredibly dull and aside from the sounds of the torch's fires going off, there really was not much to work with. It was obvious at least what she had to do. She looked between both ends, both looking extremely similar in appearance.

"This is-"

Her words fell short as she heard a scurrying of feet echoing all around her. Sayu's arms quickly lifted the bat as she braced herself for an unknown enemy. It was hard to tell where the sound had come from, so every few seconds she would look in both directions waiting for something to sprawl out from the dark.

There was a multitude of whatever was coming, and it was growing louder, there was no guarantee that it was a hostile but she rather much not take a chance. It was at that point that she heard a loud squeak, followed by a marching band of what was several oversized rats.

Her fingers tighten around her weapon, eyes locked onto the target.

The rats did not look like they were paying attention to her at first, but once they got closer their red attentive eyes lit up and they came to a halt.

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