~~ Elves Are Stupid ~~

Comenzar desde el principio

It was likely to keep his privacy, but L knew she wouldn't get confirmation either way. Emrik didn't seem to be listening to their interaction anyway, he was too busy leading them up a path to the large house. A peculiar structure to say the least. It was entirely made of wood, even the roof tiles were planks of wood lapping over each other. Green moss grew like patchy carpet against every side of the house, flowers had even rooted themselves to the building itself.

The house was two floors high, each had several windows, complete with flower boxes and shutters. Emrik walked up the garden path, despite the fact that there was no garden, the house just spilled straight into the grove. He led them to the chestnut door and opened it, gesturing for them to go inside.

"After you, please make yourselves at home."

They entered the cosy hallway, it was also carpeted in moss and the walls were covered in curtains of colourful flowers. Magical lights hovered above their heads casting a gentle glow. There was more music playing from somewhere deep in the house, it sounded like an orchestra was performing. L was shocked that an Elf lived here, it was so far from the feel of the buildings in Eldercrest. Emrik smiled at their reactions and gestured for them to follow him into a room just off the main hallway.

The room was something of a lounge, decorated in pastels, like a child had been given free rein with a box of chalk. Two long sofas, made of soft green fabric, sat in front of a fireplace filled with logs that were already blazing. L sighed, feeling the heat seep into her body, she always had her own heat stores filled but this was effortless and cosy. She, Robbie and Bryce took a seat on one of the sofas, watching Emrik secure the door before he sat down on the opposite one.

He stared between the three of them for the longest moment before he clicked his fingers. A platter appeared in the air in front of them, with a selection of food and drinks.

"Please, help yourselves." Emrik gestured, he seemed to want to make them as comfortable as possible.

He reached up to take off his cloak, revealing a strange mixture of robes underneath. It looked like he was trying to combine Elven robes with human clothes, the look was unusual.

"You're not a conventional Elf, are you?" L asked with a smirk, she was still trying to grasp the information she had on him but it was like catching smoke.

Emrik grinned, sitting himself forward. "I am not, thank you for noticing. I learned a long time ago that the Elf way to live isn't the only way, as they would have all of our kind believe."

He purposely looked at Bryce now, L arched a brow at their interaction. Bryce didn't seem inclined to react to what he said, but L could tell something was stirring beneath the surface.

"I'm sorry but I have to ask, who are you? Everyone seems to be clued into something about you but I'm lost." Robbie blurted out, looking between them.

Emrik tore his gaze from Bryce to smile at Robbie. "No need to apologise, I didn't properly introduce myself and that was rude. Your friends here know more about me but I'll explain for your sake, young Dragon. Ah, feels good to say that once more."

Robbie seemed to have forgotten the food he'd been reaching for, the word Dragon had him inching forward in his seat.

"I am Emrik, the oldest living Elf at this moment in time. I've been through it all, seen things you couldn't begin to imagine and fought in wars the likes of which I hope to never see again. I'm considered eccentric, unconventional, but really I'm just too old to care for all of that pretense they worry about. I live in this grove which is here to protect the beings that the Trolls have driven out. Oh, I'm also Bryce's grandfather, in case he doesn't bother to mention that."

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