Part 18 || it's done

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Beomgyu's POV

We were walking back to our cabin without uttering a word.

Beomgyu: "hey y/n if you wanna talk about it go ahead I'm here to listen"

Y/N: "thanks bud, but I don't know, so many things happened and I just don't know how to accept everything" I side hugged her

Beomgyu: "we'll solve it ok, but I suggest you tell the others or at least Taehyung what happened. You never know what they might do" she nodded sadly and we continued walking. Right when we were about to open the door to our cabin y/n stopped which made me stop as well.

Y/N: "wait!" She looked for something in her pocket and brought out an earring.

Beomgyu: "why are you bringing out your earring?"

Y/N: "I told Tae that I went and looked for it since I "dropped" it a while ago" I made an O face "oh and does it looked like I cried?" I looked at her face from side to side

Beomgyu: "a bit but I guess that'll pass if you say you're just tired" she nodded and I twisted the door handle open

Taehyung: "y/n!" He stood up form the couch and hugged her right away "thank God you're okay, you were taking longer than I thought so I was just about to go look for you"


Y/N: "awww that's so sweet of you Tae, but don't worry I'm fine and I bumped into Beomgyu since he was..." I just realized I don't know what excuse he told them before leaving the house to save me.

Beomgyu: "I went for a midnight run!"

Y/N: "since he went for a midnight run"

Taehyung: "ohhh alright, but why do you look like you cried?"

Y/N: "I'm just tired we had a long day from doing so much stuff" He nodded

Taehyung: "well thanks Beomgyu for accompanying y/n"

Beomgyu: "no problem dude"

<time skip bedroom>

Me and Tae were about to sleep, he reached out to turn off the lamp but I stopped him.

Taehyung: "y/n?" He looked at me worried and I bit my lip scared to what I should say or how I should choose my words.

Y/N: "you promised you'll never leave me or fall out of love with me...right?" His face softened and he reached out his hand to caress my cheek

Taehyung: "I'll always love you and I'll never leave you... remember that ok?" I nodded and he turned around closing the light. He pulled me closer to him from my waist and I cuddled up on his chest. This is a moment I will cherish in my heart forever. Please don't ever let this change...

<morning breakfast>


We're all eating and we found out that our bus apparently had a flat tire so we're going to be leaving later in the afternoon so that means we have the morning to ourselves.

Jimin: "yah! That's my cookie!"

Jungkook: "did someone call me?"

Jimin: "aishhh not you!! Cookie with a C! Namjoon hyung got it!" We all laughed at their actions until we heard a door bell. I stood up and opened the door to see the 2 people I really don't wanna see. Once I saw them flashbacks hit from what happened last night and I backed away slowly.

Joy: "awwww are you scared?" She mockingly said to me

Taehyung's POV

Y/n went and opened the door, I didn't think much of it since I just thought it was like a teacher announcing something. But when I saw from the corner of my eye y/n moving back with a frightened face I knew something was wrong. I stood up and so did everybody else and we hurriedky went to the door.

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