Part 10 || park

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Taehyung's POV

Y/N: "I just don't want to keep hiding it" what is she talking about. Both of them were leaning on the edge looking out into the view

Beomgyu: "you know we have to"

Y/N: "I know but it's just tiring, life would be easier but at the same time harder if they knew about us" us? So that means whatever she's hiding Beomgyu is part?

Beomgyu: " *sigh* we'll get through it ok?"

Y/N: "but what if I do have feelings for him, you heard him a while ago... what am I gonna do" she grabbed her hair in frustration. Who is she talking about? A while ago? So that means it's one of us? But she could have talked to someone else...

Beomgyu: "I really don't know what to tell you but I can just be here as your bestfriend and your "brother" for you" she chuckled at him, that chuckle that always puts a smile to my face "I'm gonna head down do you want me to stay with you or I'll leave you alone?"

Y/N: "go ahead I'll just sit here by myself, I need some time alone. Just mind read to me when class is about to start" she smiled and Beomgyu headed towards my direction. I moved to the side holding my breathe hoping he doesn't feel me. Even if I'm using my powers it's like we're still here it's just that people don't see us. He walked past me but stopped, he turned to my direction making eye contact with me but at the same time not because I'm invisible so it looked like he was just staring at the wall. He sighed while putting his head down, he looked back up at me and gave me a stern look. Did he see me? Nahhh how can he I was using my powers, I shrugged it of walking towards y/n, I stayed behind her still invisible and just watched her. She looked so calm and peaceful...


It's hard, really hard. I've been keeping me being red all my life and I just want to live normally where reds are accepted as normal people. But no, we have to be monsters who scare other people. The people who find out I'm a red scream and run away from me as fast as they can. I sighed thinking about it. And Tae, I don't want to catch feelings for him... I'm scared if he finds out I'm a red he'll leave me and stop being friends with me. I started crying thinking about it so I placed my legs up and burying my face in between my legs hugging my knees. Ugh! I hate being a red! I can't live my life normally just because I'm a red, I didn't choose this life! I started getting angry so I stood up and there were blocks of cement on the floor. I walked over to them and carried them with my strength and hit it against the wall. I stopped after hearing how loud it crashed knowing that someone might hear me

Taehyung's POV

What the fuck did she just do! How can someone as small as her carry all those blocks of cement! Is she really that strong? Wait... hold on... why do I feel like y/n and Beomgyu are- *gasp*

Y/N: "who's there!" I quickly placed my hand over my mouth and ran down to our classroom


Once I went in I saw Beomgyu staring at me

Beomgyu: "where have you been?"

Taehyung: "I w-went to the b-bathroom" I cheekily smiled and sat down on my seat


I went back in class and saw all of BTS and Beomgyu staring at me. I ignored it and sat down on my table. After someone might've seen me upstairs I ran down and entered class right away. I sat down in the back and felt Taehyung to my right staring at me. I shrugged it off and focused my attention on the board

<time skip after school>


Beomgyu: "hey y/n I have to go help my mom back at home I don't think I'll be able to get ice cream with you" I was slightly disappointed but it's his mom he has to go

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