Part 1: Chapter 28

Start from the beginning

"The mistress has company again."

"Am I going to be confined in our room again?" Being forced to stop my search would be freaking frustrating.

"No, just keep a low respectful profile and it'll be fine."

I could do that.

"Oh, and fight training is off, although you're still expected for fitness training."

All the better. I could spend more of my day down here in the archives. I nodded my agreement.

"Who's here this time?" I asked. If I knew, I could look up their entries in the database and ensure that my quarry had not come to me. I could only fantasize about being so lucky.

"Naomi and Davidson. They're pro-human conservation so it's unlikely anyone will be bothered by them, plus they've got their own feeders along."

There was still something rather distasteful about the way the other humans here acted so matter of fact about the things that should horrify them.

If I did not get away, would I turn into a slavering, willing slave just like them? It was a disgusting thought, but I reassured myself that I was not going to let that happen. I was never going to let go of my goal.

Theo left and I quickly searched the two names he had given me. They seemed to be much as he had said, and I recalled the leech telling me to kill Davidson last. His entry was full of information that seemed to be meant to be unflattering to the eyes of vampires, but it only solidified her opinion of him in my mind.

Naomi's was similar. Apparently neither of them were winning any leech popularity contests. They seemed to be slightly less cruel and vindictive than the other bloodsuckers.

I shrugged and turned back to my search.

* * * * *

Hours later, I had completely made it through all the G's, with no luck. I was torn between irritation and relief when I noticed the time. I stretched my cramped muscles as I got up and made my way to the dining room, where I collected a plate and took my food outside.

Noon was easily the best time of day, especially in fair weather with not a single cloud in the sky. We humans were creatures of the sun, even more now than I imagined we had been when we once dominated the planet. The midday sun was bright and hurt my eyes after the dim artificial light of the archives, but I revelled in it. The sun was humanities' protector and provider.

It was common knowledge that vampires avoided the light and this was the moment when humans had their chance to thrive once again. It was safe to come out and live.

Even though her slaves seemed to be accepting of their status with the leech as their mistress, there was something about this time of day that seemed to perk them up as well. A number of other humans were outside, milling about and Lucas was sitting and laughing with the woman he was often with. I briefly wondered how the two of them could look even slightly happy.

I felt a twinge at the sight. I supposed that they reminded me on some level of my parents and what I might have had with Melissa.

There would be no chance for me to find that with someone. I had seen too much and I did not think I could ever forget that the spectre of loss was always lurking. It did not matter, because I was well used to being alone by now.

I turned my attention to my food, until someone sat beside me. A glance showed me the dark complexion of the new slave named Travis.

"Hey," I said.

He nodded in response, and then went straight to the point. "Are you happy here?"

I considered. None of the leech's faithful devotees seemed to be in earshot. "No, but I'm looking for something."

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