Chapter 27: Overhaul [2021]

Start from the beginning

He kept a hand over his mouth to muffle his hyperventilation to whoever was with Isen. He needed to make a plan. He had to creep up to the attacker. Unsure, Sonny looked back past the corner for a clue to his next move. He was confused when he caught a glimpse of who was dragging Ice away. A large, pale hand cuffed both wrists of the demiboy and continued to drag over to Endigo's room.

"STOP, THEIF!" Sonny yelled. He wasn't even sure what he was supposed to say in the case of stealing a person. "PERSON THEIF!"

Endigo turned around, the earlye morning and late night break in time still bright on his face. His eyes were wide open and their outline was not unlike trendy tiktok makeup, which gave Sonny a chill through his spine as Endigo looked sleepless and angry. His very image of a 6+ feet man with shadows of natural eye bags and general face scrapings was a threat.

Sonny froze, unsure of whether he should stop and allow Endigo to drag Isen around or continue and possibly get hit in the face. "What are you doing?" He simply asked.

"I saw Isen," Endigo said with wide eyes, a demon of restlessness consuming him. Somehow his hair while lacking spikes was a lot more unnerving and threatening. "In Kitcha's room." Every word was a whisper, evenly harsh. "Arms around Isen, sleeping SO silently, with MY boyfriend. I knew there was a reason I couldn't get to sleep. Kitcha told me he was in the Disgusting Rabbit room for the night. I thought it was strange!!!" Endigo was getting progressively more Swedish. He postured himself like a cat or a Disney villain and got closer to Sonny, intimidating him. "Now I, am going, to enjoy myself, and get, MY. WAY. FOR ONCE."

Sonny did not want to come at Endigo violently and risk himself while Isen was already at risk under his control. He snuck into Kitcha's empty room, grabbing a large framed photo of BatAAr with the producers of Tekken 7 to hide behind himself. He wasn't going to use the photo to enjoy himself, no. He was sneaking all the way up to Endigo's back, quieting his movements the way he saw Deadmau5 doing when he was trying to avoide Isen while going about his daily routine. He was focusing, hypervigilant of Endigo's every move.

Isen got pulled up by the arms onto the bed, a sock drifting back onto the floor and hir shirt still indecent. Endigo reached his hand into his pants and took out one of those German Christmas child-whipping sticks from before the 1940s. He was able to fit the antique in his pantleg, but that didn't mean it didn't pack a punch. The bed, because Endigo had been feeling more anxious about the messiness of his life lately, was wrapped in used plastic packaging he had taped together himself for such a use. He got a roll of duct tape with his other hand and tore a bright magenta-checkered strip off with his teeth. Like a madman, he placed the long strip over Isen's chest and onto the surrounding area. Skrillex was disgusted as this was truly a breaking point, further worse than any violent act before, because Isen was asleep. A breathlessly long pause was administered after such an already long, suspenseful silence. To ruin Skrillex's opinion of him further, Endigo started whipping Isen with the German child tool.

Ze screamed, as he had woken hir with the beating. Writhing under the tape proved a further and more painful struggle. Ze curled up, hurting, barely able to understand where any of anything was coming from, so ze just stared into the face of Endigo as he continued to whip but generally avoid like a plague the NaeNae. Through the second wave of childwhippings, ze did not squirm.

"YOU ARE A FAST LEARNER, YET NOT NEARLY QUICK ENOUGH TO AVOID LEARNING THE CONSEQUENCES OF TAKING WHAT IS NOT, AND WILL NEVER BE, YOURS!" The man boomed as he stood over hir. It was far too early, Sonny thought, for any of this to be happening. He was sure Seike would awaken at some point because of the yelling, yet the nights recently had been stormy enough to make anyone a deep sleeper. In fact, even now the morning light had been patchy enough to not light every room. Sonny was frozen once more, yet knew that Isen would soon notice him in the doorway. Ze started to go completely balls-to-the-wall after realizing fighting back would do no justice to the power currently being inflicted. Ze started flailing wildly on the bed, arms and legs extending in a rapid frequency that was hard to keep up with. Endigo was yelling his threats of what happened if the demiboy did not stop, but Isen wiggled and jerked around on the extremely bouncy bed until ze was cut loose from the tape with a rip and a roar. The scream could be heard all across the house, Sonny was sure of it. The 16 year old faggot vaulted hirself to the edge of the room and clutched hir chest on hir knees. Tape hung on the left side of it, having taken out any hair that existed, even ones from Isen's head that got caught in the struggle. Tears fell to hir lap, and hir eyes darted around the room to various objects of potential danger. Luckily the rage had blinded the violent man from hiding anything useful and Isen was able to find the perfect weapon, one of hir own possesions that shouldn't've even been in the room to begin with. Endigo was yelling again, belittling Isen. He reached out and took the demiboy by hir cheap shirt making it tear in two. He shouted all sort of sexualizing words and was going on about how Isen was never going to look good as a girl and should get hir transition overwith because ze was ugly anyways. "Hopefully then you will LEAVE!!! You STUPID UNWANTED WHORE!!" He screamed, rattling the room. Even within the moment, Isen was stricken with confusion.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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