Taste the Rainbow

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"Drop that ass to the floor!" We screamed the at top of our lungs.

Ruby and I were screaming the lyrics of Do It as we drove around in my little blue Volvo like we were driving a race car.

Hey- in my defense, my giant ass platform boot Doc-martins (AKA my boots to step on men with) made driving harder than it needed to be. So we practically flew over the train tracks.

I caught my reflection in the mirror, my blonde hair in two extremely long, messy pony tales fell from about my ears to my mid-back. Two pieces of hair spilled out framing my makeup- covered face. Black and blue eyeshadow smudged its way around my eyes, making me look absolutely wild. I loved it.

To be fair, I had nothing on Ruby. Her eyes were lined with such dark smudgy makeup she looked like Effie from Skins. Her white-blonde hair was pulled up into a hair clip at the back of her head. She- like always, had an eccentric sense of style.

Her legs were covered with ripped up tights, and she was wearing a skirt and a giant green and black sweater. She was also wearing GIANT black platform boots. Ruby's dark roots and dark eyebrows framed her face in such a way that she just looked like she walked out of the forest. High cheekbones, glassy blue eyes, and pouty lips added to the perfect and wild combination of grunge and granola that made her up.

"Thank FUCK it's winter break!" She yelped, digging around in her (handmade) bag and sipping out of her vegan iced coffee at the same time.

I laughed excitedly, "I know right! We haven't gone to Goodwill in forever- they don't have this in England! I can't wait to hit the bins!"

Hitting the bins was Ruby and I's favorite activity. That or making fun of tourists. Hitting the bins meant we went to the goodwill outlet, in which everything that couldn't get sold at the outlet's stores was sold by the pound. I had gotten so many good finds there- everything from a blue Kanken backpack for roughly 10 cents to the PERFECT belt for about the same.

We rolled into the parking lot with a reckless velocity. We giggled like idiots as we climbed out of the car and slammed the doors behind us.

Ruby sniffed in deeply and signed, "Smells like old clothes and sapphic bitches."

I elbowed her thoroughly and rolled my eyes while we marched into the thrift store.

As I flipped through the racks and racks of clothing, a giant pile in our shopping cart, Ruby pranced up to me excitedly. She was much shorter than me but came close in her giant boots.

"I just got that girl's number!" She said excitedly, pointing to the girl with blue hair and a giant sweater on.

I rolled my eyes and laughed, "That's so you! Couldn't keep the last boy down?"

"Nope!" She popped the p at the end.

I laughed and shook my head, "Girl I have no clue what I am going to do with you while we are in Montana."

"Hey! Don't worry about it! I am super helpful, unlike you, I can actually cook," She gave me a pointed look, "And I can run all the compost and recycling while we are there."

She paused, tilting her head to the side in thought, "I am not sure how I'm going to fit in with English society. Like, you're at least rich, but I don't even have that going for me! I'm going to my Catholic school currently on scholarship, and that is a whole thing in itself."

I sighed, not sure what to say, "if anyone actually cares about money like that I am more than willing to punch them. If anyone won't like you, It'll be Laurent because of his sense of fashion."

"I have a sense of fashion!" She said belligerently. I looked her up and down and smiled.

"He'll just be jealous you're more fashionable than he is," I winked.

The two of us laughed like it was the funniest thing anyone had ever said, and rummaged through the clothing more and more.

I loved thrifting. It was so much fun, so rewarding, and on top of that, it was good for the environment. Ruby and I were super into environmentalism. Ruby and I haven't eaten meat in years and years. Except- I ate fish because I came from a family of fishermen, and I would honestly get kicked out if I didn't.

"I'm super excited to ski. And snowboard. And Snowshoe. And go swimming. And-" She began listing off any activity she could think of. She loved outdoor activities just as much as I did. We were hiking buddies.

"I am excited for Christmas and New years. I got Rowen the cutest gift ever and this year I might get a New Years' kiss!" I squealed like a little kid.

Ruby pointed to her mouth and pretended to barf, I rolled my eyes.

"You're just jealous," I assured her.

She threw a glance over her shoulder towards the girl with the blue hair, "Yeah no I think I enjoy being able to taste the rainbow."

I once again elbowed her in the ribs.

"Hey!" She squealed, "I just don't want to settle down for anyone! I am more than happy for my relationship to consist solely of hookups and flings. I'm seventeen! Let me live my life."

Oh goodness, I thought to myself as I looked at a giant T-shirt that said "Camila Cabello is a Pisces" Ruby was a storm. She was so wildly different from everyone else in my friend group. Probably the person she was most similar to was Caspian, and even she could give him a run for his money.

I wasn't worried about anyone commenting on her wealth. She was going to stay with my family in our house. Her family- despite being close to mine- was busy with work and such over winter break.

We left tomorrow morning, early. My family would drive ahead to the mountains to get our house and everything set up at the club we were members of. Ruby and I were going to stay and drive my friends from their plane to the house. Most everyone's family was coming in over the next 3 days after that, flying in from various countries and places in the world.

It was going to be an... adventure. 

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