Perfect Lady

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I hated being home.

I threw my keys and my bag onto the seemingly endless black marble countertops that occupied space in the kitchen. I had never seen anyone cook here before, and I was almost positive every single cabinet was completely and utterly empty.

The dark and modern apartment my mother enjoyed in the business district in London was beautiful and cold. Literally and metaphorically. I could see through the floor to ceiling windows that lined the room snow was falling gracefully amidst the grey background, lit up by the lights from the city.

The cold, grey beauty was immediately juxtaposed in my mind with Nola- the love of my life's. She shined like the sun and (despite always complaining about being cold and tired) could warm up any room she occupied.

But this was far from that place of comfort.

A light flickered on and a familiar clack of heels drew near.

"Rowen," I heard a clipped voice say.

I took a deep breath, rolled my eyes, and worked on restraining all thoughts of screaming as I turned to greet him.

"Mother," I gritted out, turning to make eye contact with a familiar set of brown eyes. Her dark hair was pinned up away from her stern face. She wore a knee-length navy blue dress that did nothing to soften her appearance. I got most of my looks from my father- but it was clear that anything that struck fear in people came from my 'mum'- not that I ever called her anything but mother.

"It's nice to see you home for the holidays," She said slowly, "Away from all that... chaos."

I clenched my jaw, fury running through every inch of my body. To anyone else, it would appear that she was just commenting on the chaos of upper 6th form. But she had made it blatantly clear that she disapproved of all my musical endeavors. And basically anything I did.

The only thing she liked or tolerated was my friend group of the boys- she was very close to Cas's dad. Close as business enemies who tolerated each other and decided their children being friends would be good in the long run.

Hah. Good luck with that.

"I plan to spend the break with my friends on a ski trip," I said, trying to maintain any inch of calmness that I had.

A thin smile appeared on her face, "Oh that's nice- I heard the Alps are especially pleasant this year."

I hesitated, "Yes, so I've heard- but I am planning on going to my friend Magnolia Harris's ski home in Montana this winter instead."

Her eyes narrowed at me for a moment before she broke out into a laugh.

"Rowen- you can't be serious! Montana? What is that- yokel capital or the world? Does anyone even live there?"

I shot a violent glare in her direction, "I am perfectly serious mother- All the boys and their families are coming as well."

Her laughing abruptly stopped- proving it was fake in the first place. "Their families? The Grant-Martins are going?"

I internally rolled my eyes. Of course, she only cared if Caspian's family was going- which consisted of just him and his father.

"Yes. feel free to call him and ask. Where is Charlie by the way?" I asked, referencing my 14-year-old brother.

She waved her hand away dismissively, "Not important- who is this Magnolia Harris girl and how is she wealthy enough to have a ski house?"

"Why would she not be wealthy?" I snapped annoyed, to say the least.

"She's American."

This time I didn't even hesitate to roll my eyes visibly.

"Yes- and her parents attend every London society season event and get invited to balls at Buckingham Palace. Regardless, she's my girlfriend so it shouldn't matter."

"Girlfriend?" She said slowly as if the word was unfamiliar on her tongue.

I nodded. This was a stupid revelation- the entire world knew I was dating Nola.

"What happened to that sweet Gemma Lennox girl?"

"She is not sweet anything, and we never were together," I snapped roughly.

"Is she the girl on television with you?" She spat.

"Yes! Indeed she is." I was so furious and exasperated that I threw down my arms in a childish manner.

"Hm, well maybe I should come as well on the trip- see what Montana is really like." She seemed to spit every word she said like it was liquid fire.

Before I could let the color drain from my face and my annoyance show, I once again brought up the youngest member of our family.

"What about Charles? You can't leave him here."

She tossed her perfectly dark brown hair over her shoulder. "I could if I wanted to- he's 14 he can take care of himself."

I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. "I leave tomorrow. We have chartered a plane and we plan to meet Magnolia at the airport in Montana. Meet us there whenever- be prepared to drive on snow-covered roads."

"You leave so soon?"

I looked at her with a determination, "Yes". I said it with a simple fatality and turned around to leave. Before I could take two steps towards my room I heard her call her voice back to me.

"Tell me something about this Magnolia girl..."

I stopped in my tracks, "What about her?"

"Is she well mannered? I know she goes to Westwood American so you can never be too sure."

"She is a perfect lady," I assured without a second thought as huffed away in a fit of annoyance. 

Hii! I'm back! comment! vote! this is what you've asked for! 

Ps. Idk what a yokel is but google said it's a British word for hill billy. 

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