#2 The Triwizard Tournament

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„Wait a second", the eyebrows of the blue-haired girl across from me were raised the whole time I told them about the upcoming tournament, which would take place on this school year. I was truly worried if she'd ever be able to look normal or if her expression would stay for a lifetime.

As soon as Maribel and I entered the train that morning, the dark-haired headed down towards the Hufflepuff compartment to meet up with Cedric, while I was left on my own to find my friends.

But once I came to the Slytherin part of the train, I bumped into Blaise Zabini, who embraced me in a tight hug. He saved us a cart along with my best friend Eleonora and her Ravenclaw classmate Luna to settle down for the ride and to catch up with everything over the summer.

The thing I loved most about my friends was, that they didn't care about my family's name and the wealth it brought with it. Even though the group of girls and boys always knew who I was, always knew what weight I carried on my shoulders with the Fox name, they never let me feel like a superior such as most of the people hearing about my history. They weren't bothered or interested in my name. They saw me as the girl I truly was and didn't care about blood status. They simply cared about me and my feelings, especially the girls.

Blaise was one of the Slytherin classmates that I was going along with. He was a bit more into the pure blood thing like my other friends, but it wasn't like he constantly mentioned it, so it was fine with me. Since we became friends in first year, he was stunned about our name and the history it brought with it, but soon he started to just perceive Maribel and my character and wasn't as impressed any more than a lot of other people were. And with that, he truly became one of my best friends.

"And there are two other schools with us this year?", El asked with raised eyebrows.

"That's the plan and what mother told me", I chuckled as I took a sip of my water.

My best friend looked at me as if I told her a story about the apocalypse. The blonde Ravenclaw at her side just smiled at her confused gaze.

But I couldn't blame Eleonora Lupin, it wasn't like the last school year was relaxed with her father being the new teacher for defense against the dark arts class but also a werewolf which came out by a sudden professor who was keen to get a grip on the position. As much as I liked Snape as potion master, this was definitely a bitch move to get his wanted occupation as dark arts professor. And for all I heard, he didn't even was successful.

"How is your dad?", Luna asked as if she could read my mind.

"Probably howls for the moon.", Blaise snickered and caught himself a strong hit against the shin from the blue-haired Ravenclaw.

"Okay, sorry. That was supposed to be a joke, El", the dark-skinned boy looked at my furrowed eyebrows with a smile as he rubbed his leg. He wasn't showing it right away, but by the crumbled features the kick truly hurt.

You shouldn't mess with Eleonora, I could've told him that. Especially when it came to her family and friends.

"He's okay.", El smiled at her friend, returning to the original question. I couldn't ignore the slight blush as soon as the blonde, friendly girl laid a hand on her shoulder.
„He's currently on vacation with Mom. They said they'll send me an owl with everything they're experience because I was so sad that I couldn't came with them.", El added.

"Well, I think with the tournament it won't get boring this year either.", I chuckled.

"How was your summer, by the way? Your letters weren't that detailed", Blaise stroked my shoulder with his for a split moment.

"Well, as always packed with brunches, family dinners and planning out the Yule Ball.", I scoffed with a smile.

To be honest, it was pretty much the same as ever. But I couldn't deny loving the family days we spend with just us four. These were days our life was as normal as it could be. Sometime Maribel and I stroked through our garden for a walk. Some days mother sat down with us under one of the big trees, reading and telling us stories out of her childhood. Father tried his best to prepare Maribel for the quidditch team selection, since he was captain of the Slytherin team when he was a student. I always envied my sister for her skills riding a broom. While she could really make the team as a chaser, I could barely keep myself from getting punched in the face by a quaffle right after I flew out to the pitch.

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