"What's that?" Bellatrix gasped when she saw the sword in one of the snatcher's hand.

"It was in her bag when we found her." The snatcher replied, pointing at Hermione,"Reckon it's mine now."

Bellatrix pointed her wand at the snatcher, taking him by surprise as she attacked him. There was a roar of anger from the snatcher's fellows as they drew out their wands.

"Are you mad?" The snatcher whose neck was now wrapped around with a black, slitting rope like thing. Bellatrix rolled him over with one of her hands holding the Gryffindor's sword securely.

"Get out!" Bellatrix screamed at the snatchers,"Get out!"

The snatchers, along with Grey back scampered out of the room as Bellatrix grabbed Ron by his collar and threw him towards Harry.

"Put the boys in the cellar." Narcissa dragged Ron away while Harry was held by Peter Pettigrew,"I want to have a conversation with this one."

Bellatrix pushed Hermione on the floor, quickly getting on top of her and Stella instantly knew what was coming next as she stumbled back, her breathing getting heavier.

"W-What are you doing?" Stella croaked out, tears blurring her visions.

"Interrogating." Bellatrix answered before leaning down closer to Hermione's face and hissed,"This sword is meant to be in my vault at Gringotts. How did you get it?"

Sobs left Hermione's lips causing Stella to stop herself from crying as all the cruel memories of the day came running inside her mind.

"Did you and your friends got this from my vault?!" Screamed Bellatrix.

"I... don't....know." Hermione sobbed,"I..didn't take anything."

An ear splitting scream left Hermione's mouth as she was being tortured with the cruciatus curse.

"No." Stella sobbed, clasping her hands over her mouth as she saw the words MUDBLOOD etching on Hermione's wrist.

"How did you get into my vault?" Stella heard Bellatrix scream. "Did that dirty little goblin in the cellar help you?"

"We only met him tonight!" Hermione sobbed. "We've never been inside your vault.... It isn't the real sword! It's a copy, just a copy!"

"A copy?" screeched Bellatrix. "Oh, a likely story!"

"But we can find out easily!" came Lucius's voice. "Pettigrew, fetch the goblin, he can tell us whether the sword is real or not!"

The goblin was dragged to Bellatrix.

"I'm only going to ask you once more goblin." Warned Bellatrix,"think of very carefully before you answer."

"I don't know." Came Goblin's reply.

"You don't know?" Bellatrix repeated, circling around the goblin,"Who got into my vault? Who stole it?"

"When I was last in your vault, the sword was there." Goblin answered.

"oh perhaps. It just walked out on its own then." Bellatrix sassed.

"There's no place safer than Gringotts." The goblin claimed.

"Liar!" Bellatrix screamed,"Consider yourself luck goblin."

With that shs got up and glanced down at Hermione who was laying down on the floor,"Well the same can't be said for this one."

Suddenly, Ron sprang in front of Stella's eyes, throwing a spell towards Bellatrix who blocked it. Lucius was sent flying away by Harry's spell while Stella stumbled back. There was a short duel between Harry and Draco resulting in Draco being disarmed.

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