part 7

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I still love her. Yes my heart and soul belongs to her and only her. How could I do this to her? But I ruined it with my own hands. I ruined her happiness.  I should not be forgiven.

Y/N: why Jungkook? Why ? Am I that bad? Did I not love you?

She said and my heart just crumpled like a torn paper. Whatever I did was an unforgivable sin. I hurt my love. My life. I realised that what I did was wrong,  very wrong. My heart was aching seeing her like this. She is blaming herself for my demand.  She is perfect. Her love is unconditional that's why she agreed for the divorce.  She has no fault in her. I am the one to be blamed. She is breaking from inside. I am feeling really guilty.

I crawled to her like a baby wanting love and affection. I went close to her and slowly looked at her hurt eyes with my guilty ones. She looked at my eyes with so much hurt and pain which killed me internally. I slowly started to wipe her tears with my thumb. She didn't stop me. She cried slowly without  making any sound. My tears finally fall on the floor. I was looking at her without saying anything. I wanted to hug her and comfort her but maybe I had lost that opportunity. I touched my forhead with her. She didn't resist. We were in that position for a long time. Feeling each other's presence with pain in our heart. Then I heard her talking to me.

Y/N: Can you hug me Jungkook?

I felt useless for not hugging her before.  She wanted my warmth and comfort. I nodded and wrapped my arms around her waist. I was feeling the whole world on my arms. She hugged me back. Her essence was giving me immense pleasure. She held me tightly. Her head was on my shoulder. Then she cried her heart out. She sobbed almost like screaming crashing my heart into billions of pieces. I hate myself. We stayed like that for a long time. Even I was crying hysterically. We were longing for each other but cannot go back to our previous feelings. She would never love me like before. 

Then I felt my shoulder was getting heavier, I tuned my head only to see my princess sleeping on my arms. I carried her almost like a bride.  I went to our bedroom. I sat on the bed still crying while Carring her. I never wanted to leave her. I lay on the bed with her on top of me. I would not leave her. I will never separate her from me. I hugged her tightly and was inhaling her fragrance. She was my peace. I felt asleep on that position.

I woke up in the morning hearing a knock on the door.  I woke up and didn't see Y/N on top of me. I turned to my side only to see none. I got up frowning my eye brows. I found her nowhere on the bedroom. And the door bell was ringing continuously pissing me. I got out from the bed and searched for her in th entire house. But she was nowhere to be found. Fear was increasing in my heart. Did she leave me? No no. She can't leave me. I became restless.  I ran to the door to see if it was her or not. The door opened revealing John Uncle. He is our family lawyer. But why is he hear?

JK: uncle,  you here?

John Uncle: yes son, actually Y/N called me this morning to immediately come with some papers.

I raised my eye brows. actually John Uncle is really close to Y/N. She considers him as her father in her father's absence.

Jk: what kind of papers Uncle?

I asked Uncle hoping the answer to not be Divorce papers.

John Uncle:it's the divorce papers. But why she wanted that as soon as possible? Did something happened between you two? You guys were really happy with each other.

After hearing him, I felt my world tossed upside down. A tear escaped my eyes.  She really wanted divorce. I cannot live without her. This fear was killing me from inside. She wanted to leave me as soon as possible.  I never imagined that this day would come. Words were coming from my mouth. I was feeling breathless. I was feeling someone was squeezing my heart.

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