29. Invisible Chain

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Invisible Chains

Third Person

Bygdøy Oslo, Norway

"The Lord of the house has come to join you for dinner."

The door of the dining hall opened, and Fabian came in, escorting a gray-haired old man.

Everyone who was seated at the dining table stood in the presence of the imposing man with a tall and dignified frame as he entered the huge dining hall.

"Please be seated. Have all of you been well?" He asked gracefully in no particular after he was seated at the end of the long table facing the people who were standing at their seats.

"Yes. Grandpa. Have you been well? We were shocked when we received a message saying you wanted to have an urgent meeting with us." Magni said after they were instructed to be seated again.

She dabbed the side of her lips with a napkin, carefully not smudging her red lipstick.

"I have some important things to discuss with all of you. I'm sure Fabian already told you about our agenda for today. Am I right?"

They nodded their head.

"Grandpa, we haven't seen Grandma with you. Where is she?" Bjorn asked his Grandpa while putting his fork carefully on his plate.

"She's busy renovating her garden in Zürich that she didn't even care about her husband's whereabouts," Ymir grumbled while looking at the people around the dining table. "And who might be this young lady beside you, young man?"

"Ah, Grandpa.."

Bjorn was about to speak when the woman beside her interrupt him causing Ymir to crease his forehead.

"Hi, sir! I am Beatrice Petrakis but you can call me Beatrice. Nice meeting you sir." The woman named Beatrice spoke in a cheerful voice not minding her manners.

She was ecstatic to finally meet the family of Bjorn and her emotions were showing carelessly. Magni snickered on her seat while throwing a distasteful look at her younger brother who was now avoiding her gaze nervously. Her Grandpa already told her the other day that they will be discussing the upcoming head meeting of Yggdrasil Empire Group of Companies. Fabian confirmed it the moment she arrived at the estate.

Supposed to be, Sigyn should be here with them but Fabian said that she was not feeling well that's why she can't join them right now. Currently, she was in her room inside the mansion and having a good time rest. Magni clicked her tongue in displeasure. She's 100% sure that the brat was just faking it!

Magni then shifted her gaze again at Bjorn and the woman who was seated opposite to her. Magni didn't understand Bjorn's intention for bringing a tactless woman with no manners in their fief.

"You look oddly familiar.."

"Oh, I'm a famous actress, sir."

"That explains. Then what business do you have here, young lady?"

Beatrice put her hand at the top of Bjorn's hand at the dining table while smiling happily causing the people to look at their hands except for Magni who was just rolling her eyes.

"I would like to introduce myself personally to Bjorn's family as her girlfriend." She said with so much confidence.

The whole room was filled with silence for a second at the woman's bold confidence before Ymir speak with an empty voice.

"Hm.." Ymir hummed while slicing the steak on his plate. "Girlfriend, I see."


"Yes, my Lord." Fabian, the head butler responded quickly when Ymir called his name.

Odin Cassiopeia Zafeiriou [INTERSEX]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ