Chapter 1 - First Kiss

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I woke up on the floor with an angry sakura standing over me. I wonder what i did, but then i remembered. I was asleep dammit. I couldn't have done anything! I sat up and glared at her.

"What the hell?!" I said loudly, furious with her waking me up. Once a upon a long time ago. I wouldn't have been mad at her no matter what she did, but that was when i was i thought i loved her. I never really loved her i only thought i did. In truth though. She was only ever a dear friend. It kinda hurts to think about it like that. Because this means i have never been in love. Just another thing the goes to show how i am not a normal human. I blinked at a shouting sakura, i had tuned her out and i didn't even know it. Wonderful. What a great way to start the day. I sighed Before i said, "Sakura... What do you want?" That earned me a broken nose, but it also gave me an answer i could understand.

"We have mission you idiot!! I came to drag you out of bed and take you to tsunaide!!" She screamed in my face before grabbing my collar and began dragging me through the streets to the hokage office. She slammed the door open and threw me against the wall. My nose which she broke earlier at me house had been healing nicely on the way here, but it got broke again. slammed right against the wall. I don't think she knows that she broke it though. After years of pain and loneliness you learn real fast how to hide it And how to deal with it. It helps to have kyuubi heal it as well. I watched and listened as Tsunaide explained the mission to Kakashi Sakura and Sasuke before we were dismissed so that we could leave and begin the mission. It was rather simple to be honest. We were to meet up with a team of suna ninja and together we were to hint a down a pair of rouge nin one of which from konoha and one from suna. Simple really. So i stopped by my house and grabbed my things before i met Kakashi and the rest of team 7 by the gate. Then, together we all left the gates of konoha and into the soft shade of the forest with surrounded the village. I alway loved the forest. The trees which swayed in the eternal breeze. I loved how sunlight filtered down and shone like some sort of dapple pattern on the soft green grass. We jumped from tree branch to tree branch moving forward to met suna.

         I stood at the edge of the village staring out at the changing sands. Kankuro and Temari are late. I closed my eye feeling the sands and feeling the dry heat on the outside of my sand armor. I opened my eyes wen i felt Kankuro and Temari's chakra's approaching. I started walking to the edge of the border once i felt they were near enough to me. They caught up with eventually, Temari took up the left Kakuro on the right and me in the center. Moving in a V we, well, they trekked across the desert while i just simply let the sand carry me. Something in me stirred as i thought of see HIM soon. My breath quickened slightly and i felt my heart hammer a touch as his face appeared in my mind. I frowned. I hadn't really had any as Temari puts break downs. In other words i hadn't really went crazy and killed people i wasn't supposed to. Or let shukaku throw a temper tantrum. However when i think of naruto my mind seems as if it is in a frenzy of some sort. Like it just has to have it. It wants naruto's blood. It wants it to dye the sands. To please the demon which sleeps deep inside my body near my soul. I pondered how i might be able to achieve this. Naruto had in fact already beaten me. So direct combat proved useless. He was strong and stirred a very odd feeling in my body. If i was to do it this is a perfect chance. I will have to use stealth. Soon naruto uzumaki. Your blood will run and dye the sands that cover me a brilliant crimson red.
I sighed loudly and sat down on the ground.

"Hey kakashi, where is the suna team that going to help us? Why aren't they here already?" I moaned loudly and collapsed backwards. Kakashi sighed.
"Naruto, they didn't rush at a ridiculous pace and wear out themselves before the mission started." kakashi said lazily reading his icha icha paradise book. I rolled my eyes. Ridiculous pace my ass. Although it is true that i am anxious to see the team. i was curious to see if Gaara was going to be with them. His red hair and pale skin, his lovely eyes and his rough voice, were recent stars of my dreams. Often ending up with me waking up with a peculiar feeling in my hips. One i was rather curious about. My plan was to get the red head to remove whatever jutsu he had placed on me back during the chunnin exams. My mind wandered as i stared up at the little clouds which dotted the sky. Gaara. Just the name was enough to send shivers down my spine. I could picture myself clinging onto his shoulders. I can see him wrapping his arms around me, keeping me safe from the world. His scent enveloping me like a soft cloud. It seemed so real. I wanted it to be real, i can picture him leaning in to kiss me, a sweet- i stood up and shook my head. Okay. That was very weird. Very weird indeed. I need to get this jutsu removed pronto. I looked up to see Kankuro and Temari walking over us, and in the front, was none other Gaara. Step one: locate gaara, complete.
On to step two. Get him and i alone. My mind completely forgot about the mission so when they arrived i was a little confused until sakura reminded me kindly and gave the wonderful gift of a concussion. Not that it matters that much since it heals fast, But it still hurts dammit! We were paired up in teams. Temari and sakura sasuke and kankuro and myself with gaara. My heart thumped in my chest, getting louder with every step i took towards gaara. This damn jutsu. I felt warmth go to my cheeks. Make way for the blushing fox demon. Of course, that was still a secret. Only the adults know. I have considered telling my friends but when i saw their reactions to gaara, i got frightened and i never said anything. Though shikamaru might have figured it out. He is a genius. "Okay," said kakashi putting his book away. " you and your team member will head a direction in which i send you. You are going to search for the missing nin." Kakashi hands us all and ear piece. "If you found them tell everyone else your location and we will all head to your location an take them back as a team." with that we all headed i our assigned directions.

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