Chapter Three: How to prepare for the unknown

Start from the beginning

Feeling stupid for not bringing my phone to take pictures I ran back to my house. Hardly noticing a slightly familiar scent along the way.

But I didn’t care, I was to busy with other things.

 I got my phone out of the house and put it in a bag I hung around my neck, never changing back while I did so, and ran back to the meadow. I shot a few pictures from multiple angels before going back to my place.

Once there I changed back and put on clothes.

Suddenly hungry I ate the cold leftover pizza and started drawing my ideas on the simple paper. I saved every drawing even if they weren’t right each drawing contained new ideas I’d maybe want to look through again in the future.

I worked throughout the night, never being satisfied and I didn’t realize morning had come until my phone rang and a picture of Jenn flashed on the screen.

“Hello?” I answered, the lack of sleep apparent in my voice.

“Hey! Did I wake you?” she sounded surprised. And when I looked at the clock I knew why she would be surprised, it was 10 am, I’d normally be up by 7.

“No, you didn’t wake me.” I told her. “I never went to sleep last night.”

“Why on earth not?” She asked confused.

“I found something to do with my time.” I said secretively.

“What is it?” She asked curiously.

“Not telling, I’ll show you when it’s done.” I said, feeling content that I had something that was purely mine, until it was finished of course.

“Alright, fine then, don’t tell me.” She said with mock hurt.

“Why did you call by the way?” I asked.

“Oh! Yes, I almost forgot, Kyle and I are planning a nice lunch, made by me of course and we were wondering if you wanted to come over, but if you’re to busy…” She said as a joke but I would have to disappoint her.

“I am, in fact, to busy. Raincheck?” I asked her and there was a stunned silence. It was rare that I didn’t look them up for company or comfort especially when asked. But that had to be over. I had to get back to being who I was before I started daydreaming instead of living. My mate would come and she would have to find me, the real me, not the man I had become over the past months.

“Uhm sure, are you sure it’s fine?” She asked.

“Yes Jenn, you two have fun!” I said before hanging up. I turned my phone to mute and jumped on my bed, on top of a small part of the drawing that were scattered all over the house.

I slept for a few hours, lovely dreamless sleep. I had been dreaming to much lately.

Kaelyn’s P.O.V.

“A werewolf?” I asked and thought about it carefully.

Werewolves, creatures half man half wolf, can switch between the two, hearing, smell, taste and sight better than that of normal humans, higher body temperature, stronger than normal humans…

Wolves howl… and every night I heard the howling from the forest, it explained many things but it was absurd, werewolves… they were creatures from myths, legends and fairy tales…

“Is everyone here a werewolf?” I asked meaning everyone in the house.

“Yes.” My father said.

“What is a mate?” I asked, that was the question tha ti really wanted answered.

“A mate is the soulmate of a werewolf. The man with the blue eyes is your true love, the one you are supposed to be with.” He told me and that made sense. It had felt like that ever since the dream, and immense pull to get to him, it was even stronger than the urge to see my brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2012 ⏰

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