Chapter Twenty-Four

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   TW// NSFW - ( The same a before. Jungkook Consents, all is okay, however it could be interpreted as if he were guilted into it. He's just nervous and doesn't wish to hurt Tae)

Other WARNINGS; Boy pussy - a/b/o dynamics - Omega in heat - Omega space

"Then the tree exploded!" Tae yells. Rolling over onto his stomach. The fabric on the medics bed shift around, the shape circular as Tae sat in a nest of blankets, pelts, and Jungkook's shirts.

    Taehyung had kindly explained the dynamics of his world to Jungkook. From subgenders and soulmates, to the more complicated things such as heats, or the fairies and warlocks. A week ago, two nights after the King's passing, Tae entered the castle hassle free. Most entrances open as they set up for Jimin's coronation. He had laid down with Jungkook, curled into him.

    "My heats next week."

    Jungkook had nodded.

    "I want you there."

    It was yet to start. A fire crackled in the fireplace. Scents of Taehyung permeated the air. Tae was chatty as always, playing with Jungkook's hand from where he rested on his thigh.

    "Koo, it exploded!"

    A small, stupid smile found it's way onto Jungkook's face. Taehyung was all over the place, he always was. He always had something to talk about, which was something Jungkook really loved about him. It wasn't all stories either, most of the time he would just talk about his opinions on things, or some nights, it would be random questions he would answer himself. Jungkook loved it,- he loved hearing Taehyung talk. Even with his talkative nature, he would give Jungkook his time too. When Jungkook would speak, Taehyung would listen. He would understand, wait for him to finish, then talk again. Taehyung understood his timing perfectly, always seeming to understand when Jungkook just wanted to hear him. No talking from his part, just Taehyung ranting.

    "I'm sure it did, Tae," he laughed lightly, moving his free hand to brush back Taehyung's hair. It was almost as soft as his fur,-perhaps even softer. "But hey,-I wanna go back to that heat thing. Isn't it not good for me to be there?"

    "I told you," he craned his head up, looking at him with his big doe eyes. Tae was also dangerous. Righteous, strong willed,- a genius one moment but a complete baby the next. He could make himself look smaller, act cuter, smell stronger. "You can leave, if you're uncomfortable. Or you can stay, help me out." he yawned, "Mate if you want, keep teeth away if you don't"

    "What happens if we mate? What do you mean teeth? Help out? How much help could you need?"

    Taehyung had explained all those answers to him over and over again, but Jungkook feared every moment that they might change.

    "Koo," although, they never did, "I've already told you. Bite scent glands, you become a shifter, and I'll need a lot of help. I'm more, well,-fertile, possibly? Than the rest of the omegas. It takes nine days. Sometimes longer."

    "Nine days," Jungkook repeated. It was in times like this when he was speaking that he felt annoying. Not all the time, just when he kept asking questions. He wanted to tell Taehyung that he was a little scared of becoming a shifter,-scared of his life turning around like that. "Right, um...,-please, the tree? It blew up? Keep talking about that."

    The omega turns to him, frowning.

    "You're scared, I can feel it." He stops Jungkook's hand with his own, lacing both sets together. "I hate it when you're scared of me."

The Law of Inertia {YOONMIN}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें