Chapter Eighteen

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Jimin awoke to giggling. Two voices, both low, somewhere in his room, were laughing adorably at something beyond him. His chest was sore, his thigh stung, but sugar cookies and ginger filled the air along with the happy noises, so the prince forced his eyes open.

Taehyung sat at his vanity, Yoongi painting his face with Jimin's makeup. Both boys were dressed in their own clothes today, fit with shoes and cloaks, and Taehyung adorned Jimin's crown.

"Yoongi~" the younger of the two laughed, spitting out powder. They resembled two little girls playing dress up. "Hyung stop! You're getting it on my teeth!" he squeals.

"Be quite Taetae," and the name makes Jimin a little upset, but he shrugs away the mysteriously forming jealousy. "You're gonna wake him up."

"Be careful with that," Jimin muttered, sitting up whilst rubbing his eyes. "There's lead and mercury in some of that, It'll burn your skin if you aren't careful."

Their head's snap around, both sporting blinding smiles. Jimin's not sure if he'd ever seen Yoongi smile like that before, with his gums on display and eyes pinched closed in the most adorable manner.

"Hey princess," he greets, "How'd you sleep?"

Yoongi had been here last night, and Jimin had fallen asleep in the garden. He isn't sure who carried him up or how long he was out there, but his back was not sore from the ground so it couldn't have been very long.

Taehyung removes the crown, wipes the powder away with his arm. His smile is box like, eyes eager.

"Where is Jungkookie!" he squeals, the calm demoner from the other day replaced by a child like innocence. "He said he stays with you but I can't smell him!"

"He,-" Jimin yawned. The man was far too high energy for him at the moment. "He has his own quarters. He doesn't stay with me much anymore." then, a thought crosses his mind, one that makes him furrow his brows and look at Taehyung with nothing short of confusion. "When did you meet Jungkook?"

"Three days ago in a field of lavender." he says as if it were obvious, "Can you please point me in his direction?"

"Um,- yea,...-Go downstairs," Jimin blinked. "Right by the kitchens, the room next to the maid's quarters."

He leaps up, speeding towards the door. Yoongi is arranging the items back to how they had been previously on his vanity. Jimin pulls the bed curtains back to let the sun warm his face as his bedroom doors slam open and closed. He has classes today, and his limbs scream in protest.

His father was perfectly okay. He was yet to have another day of bedrest. The blood was coming up less and less. The classes were pointless.

"You-..., seem to be in a good mood?" Jimin blinked in Yoongi's direction whilst trying his best to fix what he knew was a mess of hair on his head. Jimin knew Taehyung was breathtaking, it wasn't something that one would have to strain to see. He had a powerful aura to him, one that had an unchallenged intensity. Deep down, Jimin just knew he was trying to make himself look at least presentable to Yoongi after he had just been in the presence of such a man.

"Woke up feeling like today is a day to try something new," he hummed, his hair pulled back in a short, neat ponytail on his head. "-, but I can't think of anything, so instead I've decided to take you out instead."

"I can't," Jimin shook his head, looking down at the bed with a soft blush gracing his cheeks. He didn't know why he suddenly felt so shy in front of Yoongi, all he knew was that somehow it felt right. Somewhere in his mind, something told him that if  he acted shyer or cuter, Yoongi would give him the attention he started to crave. He wanted to be cradled, and hugged. He wanted to hear the sweet nothings and feel the firm pressure on his thighs. He wanted feather light kisses that turned into desperate breaths for air. He wanted to submit,- and that scared him more than sharing a bed with a wolf. "I have classes today."

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