Chapter Twelve

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    Yoongi returns back to camp as fast as his sore legs can carry him. Arriving covered in dried leaves and in need of a dip in the river, young pups attack him in glee. Older ones bombard him for answers as to who their mentors might be. Omegas come to him with complaints and request, alphas report to him patrols of the nights before.

    He finds Namjoon in the library. One of the largest cabins, filled with shelves and worn pelts. Candles burning despite broad daylight. The alpha has leather backed book after book sprawled out in front of him. Scrolls rolled out to his left. His hair is amuck, legs crossed in his baggy sack like pants. This setting is usual for the alpha. Stressing over the minor questions in life, studying in order to have every answer to every question.

    "Evening, Joon." He greets. Limping in, sitting on a soft stack of furs and sheeps wool. "A pup ask a question again? If deaf people can hear their heart beats? What lightning is?"

              "No," he hummed, pointing at the cover of a book without looking away from his own book. The cover simply read Psychology; Parenting. "Ever since Hoseok said something about me having to take care of children I've been trying to make sure I could." At that the man finally looked up at Yoongi, small, devious smile on his face. "Get a new perfume?"

    "It's strong is it not?" He rubs at his neck. Delicate flesh oh his scent gland coated in everything Jimin, "I need a dip in the river."

    Namjoon spares a sniff, nose curling a bit. Yoongi's sure he smelt of blood, pot roast, and Hyejin along with the Prince's stinging floral.

             "So what exactly happened with Hyejin?" the younger quizzed, raising a brow. "And who did you kill?"

    "Her, nearly," he reaches out for a book, Omega's with child, and raises a brow back. The alpha blushes, look's away. "Which is why I've come to find you, for I feel she deserves punishments aplenty for attacking someone such as the prince with such blind arrogance."

              "She's already told me her reasons," Namjoon sighed, closing the book he was was reading. "Which were dumb, however, I will not put excessive punishment in action."."

    Yoongi sits him with an upset glare. He swallows back a snarl, heart thudding up his throat. "The prince is on bedrest. She attacked an innocent bystander, did not hide her scent in anyway, failed to show respect to a superior alpha, and acted out,- as though she were a pup." he says, voice eary, "-And you're going to let the act go unjustly punished?" He runs his hand over his sore thigh again. Pain splintering, "Had she been curious,  she knows perfectly well how to hold a humane conversation."

               "She was...," Namjoon sighed again, this time though it was laced with something more tired. "She said she was skeptical that you were fated with a human,- that the entire thing isn't natural or something. So, she attacked him to see if it was true,- which no, doesn't justify attacking him, but I can see where she was coming from. Punishment, yes. Jurassic punishment, no."

    The air, as it tended to be in a room full of two alphas challenging one another, was tense. Yoongi releases a breath, and the flames from the candles ripple. Namjoon flips page in his book. The possibility of Hoseok being pregnant crosses his mind for a split second, but dies away when he remembers he saw the man rough housing when entering camp.

    "I want her on dawn and dusk hunting patrols for a month." Yoongi presses, "And she will receive no apprentice this season."

    The other alpha looks up at him, ready to challenge his request, but the elder shakes his head.

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