Chapter Twenty-Two

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The door to the cabin swings open and then shut. Feet shuffle around him.

In the chance that a shifter were to potentially wish to mate with a human, the bond can be fully completed, but will not hold the same benefits or emotions as a normal bond will; READ; in the case that the human is the shifter's soulmate, the outcomes may differ. Please see the chapter on soulmates for more information."

He smells Namjoon, hears him sit down across from Yoongi's stack of books and notes. The image mirrors that of a few weeks ago. Except instead of irritation on Namjoon's face it's simple curiosity.

Yoongi flips a few pages of the bark bound book tied together with vines. It was old, belonging to the shifters long before the fall of the first world. Words smeared, pages missing. Words used that no longer existed.

Human Soulamtes, it reads in big bold letters. Half the page is torn out. Ink smeared, but enough is left over for him to make out what it says.

In the case that a shifter might be soulmates with a human, bonding can lead to three separate possibilities. The first being the least common, in that the shifter mends with the humans soul, and in response, will proceed to lose any sense of shifter abilities. Signs of such occurring are; weak sense of smell, sensitivity to the cold, slow reflex's, or late presentation.

Namjoon leans in as Yoongi scribbles that down. He was sure that wouldn't be the case, as he had presented early, not to mention, of anything,- Jimin has heightened senses. He reads on.

The second possibility is unavoidable soul sickness. Nothing deadly, but each partners half of the soul will wish to avoid the other. Afterwards, neither person's anatomy nor genetics will change. This is the most common. The third...

Yoongi's eyes scan over the last paragraph. Eyes growing wider and wider. Namjoon leans closer.

"What-cha' reading?" The man hums, finger coming down to trace the page. "Soulmates? You're planning on mating with him?"

"I-," his eyes drag to the words again. Similar to the first outcome, the third possibility involves changes. "Joon."

Humans can become that of a shifter. Bodies anatomy's can change, and they become almost inseparable from a born shifter. Even being able to change into a wolf form. Symptoms include; heightened sense of smell, stronger instincts, higher pain during separation.

"Yeah, Yoongi, but-" Namjoon trailed his finger down to the next line. Though not as rare as the first outcome, this change is still extremely rare. "And only the gods know if that could hurt him,- do you even know what you would have to do to get it to work? And, not to mention,- he's past the normal age of presentation, Yoongi. He hasn't developed anything that would make him one of us. Simply going through those changes in such a short matter of time could be torture for the both of you."

"But-," he deflates a little, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Are we not to mate Namjoon? Are we to hurt every time we separate?" A long painful sigh. A growl. Every other book tells him of the bond of soulmates. Feeling what the other feels, talking through soul connections, the euphoric arousal. Yoongi wants that. He wants Jimin as close as he can be. "It's not fucking fair!"

"No," Namjoon shakes his head, moving to rest his ass on a desk. "It's not fair. I can't help what's fair or not fair. But please,- explain to me how you would mate with him, Yoongi. How would you go about that?"

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