Chapter Two

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    His bedroom had always been his favorite room. Stone flooring that met meticulously painted walls, red and yellow-golds from the outside of the castle being brought indoors. The domed roof that towered high above him was covered by soft clouds and darling angels, reaching out for one another. Never touching, yet always trying. Illuminated by the sun that seeped in each day through the giant bay window that overlooks the backside of the cliff, and the candles hung in each corner. Corners that connected walls that had been lined with bookshelves and vanities,-  large stands with fine cloaks that made Jimin feel like he was made of rubies.

    Then, of course, there was the bed, a luxurious sight that rests in the center. With a tall frame and royal red curtains draped form the top,- and a comforter that was so fluffy he melted into it. Pillows piled high and mattress wide enough that three people could still fit on it with plenty of room left to spare.

    However, none of that was why his room was his favorite. His room was his favorite,- not because of fine items and large beds,- but instead, he favored the solitude. Of the silence and reminder. The silent knowing that when he is in here, that he wasn't to be bothered.

    Unless, of course, you are Kim Seokjin.

    Kim Seokjin, who was towering over him in his long ruby cloak lined with fine furs, it's fabric dragging across the ground. Black hair swept from his eyes, jaw set.

    He coughed.


    There was a clunking noise from where Jimin's bedroom door were open, and even with his eyes closed he knows his adviser was rolling his eyes at his knight's silent warning.

    "Prince Jimin." Jin corrects himself, turning back to the young prince, "Your mother requests you in her living quarters, your majesty."

    "What for this time?" Jimin did not bother to even glance at Seokjin, instead, he settled for just sitting up. He looked not at Jin, nay, but instead out the window. It looked like it was soon to rain.

"It looks like it's soon to rain," his mouth repeated. Soon enough, his eyes locked on something yellow. A bird; a serin. Quite an entrancing little creature, so small yet so nimble. So innocent as well. So unknowing, but Jimin was sure the bird knew it was soon to rain just as well as he did.

    "It is soon to rain," The other present voice said. It was the knight by the door, finally pulling Jimin's eyes away. He looked at the boy,- broad and muscular,- he was barely nineteen. Yet he stood proudly, mostly from training, always waiting with  one hand rested on his sword at his hip. Jungkook,- Jungkook was his name. He had been Jimin's best friend as a child, though, they were not supposed to be. They became acquainted on of the days Jimin had ran from the castle as a teen. Back then, freedom seemed to be the only way to rebel. At the time, Jungkook was just a merchant's son, but had always had a sense of protectiveness over Jimin,- whether it was due to his royalty or not. When the day had finally come,- The young princes first crowing ceremony, in which he gained his first genuine authority,- his first act had been knighting the boy.

    "Storm?" Jimin asked hopefully. He enjoyed storms. He enjoyed the sound of thunder, mostly. But Jungkook just shook his head lightly, denying Jimin's hopes.

    "Seems to be just a small shower, your majesty," Jungkook finally vocalized the news. "Deepest apologies-,"

    "You don't have to speak to me like that," Jimin smiled lightly, swinging his legs off the bed. "We're friends, you know that. Don't treat me like a stranger, or like a prince. Treat me like Jimin."

The Law of Inertia {YOONMIN}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora