Chapter Fourteen

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The beams of the sun peer down through the prince's bedroom window, singeing the pale skin of the alphas's back. He had been awoken to a knock on a door, which now swings open as Jimin sleeps on.

A yelp, and Yoongi sighs, Curling closer to Jimin under the covers. Ignoring the scratch of a blade being pulled from it's case and the jab of a sword at the back of his skull.

"Yoongi." Jungkook's voice came rattling through the room, clear as day. What was also clear was the boy's fear, astonishment. "Get out of the bed, and do it now."

"Jimin." Yoongi grunts. Not exactly wanting to expose himself to Jungkook. Plus his thigh rippled with his own pain, and his chest burnt with Jimin's. He massages the boys back gently, the prince slowly waking, nuzzling his head further into the crease of the elders neck. "Your knight has me at sword point."

Jimin just groaned, taking a deep breath with a flinch from the pain. "Tell him to stop, then."

"Up," Jungkook said sternly again, pressing the sword until it nearly broke Yoongi's skin. "Now. I will not ask again."

Yet once more he does not move. His stomach churns at the idea, and Jimin seems content in his arms. Yoongi might fear the knight had he felt he truly done anything to warrant a sword to his back, but if Jungkook were to stab him unjustly that would be the younger's own burden.

"You're in charge of him." he yawns, Jimin hums. Tiny hands lying flat on the other man's chest.

"Kookie...," he muttered, balling up against Yoongi. "Stop, 's okay-"

"Min Yoongi," This time, the sword was pulled away, and a hand yanked back at Yoongi's shoulder until Jimin was out of his hold. "You can exit willingly, or by force. You can choose."

"If you are going to stab me, bud," the name rolls off his tongue as it had many times over. From the mere age of nine as he and Jungkook chased butterflies, till the last day he had laid eyes on the boy when picking up cloaks one autumn day. Jungkook seemed to be ever growing, persistent. If, Yoongi thinks, he were an alpha, he could outmatch many. "Just get it over with." and he jerks his shoulder back, Jimin already whining from the loss of contact, reaching back out for him.

"Are you refusing to leave?"

"Are you refusing to stab me?"

Jimin giggles, sighing in content as he rolls back into the man. Yoongi knows the younger had a fitful sleep last night, felt him wake, but Jimin had not addressed it. So all Yoongi could do was hope for the boy behind him to leave them be.

"I'm sure his majesty would rather not be washing blood from his hair," Jungkook gripped onto Yoongi's wrist, bending down to his level. "If you cooperate, I'm sure we can drop a few of the charges I can already think of off the top of my head."

"I'm sure he wishes his knight would get off my ass and let him go back to sleep as well, kid." He snaps. He hears Jungkook gawk behind him. "You know it irritates him that you call him that?" and then Yoongi sits up, making sure to rest Jimin carefully on his chest so that the younger doesn't get upset again. "Plus, Jungkook, I have done nothing wrong. I have not broken in, I have stolen nothing, I have hurt no one. You would convict an innocent man?"

"Well-," Jungkook's was taken aback, pulling back a bit. He glanced down to look at Jimin. Said boy was slowly drifting back to sleep, breathing evening out. "You're,- you are only allowed to enter here on the king's accord. Not Jimin's. Therefore, you are breaking and entering, as well as taking advantage of the prince."

The Law of Inertia {YOONMIN}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang