A dude with purple hair and a nose ring looked me up and down. I thought it was weird and kind of strange. I was ready to defend myself again. However, he took me by surprise. He put his hand on his chest, "Hey Scarlet, you do not know me, but I know you because you took our basketball team to regionals last year. I am Michael, Mike for short. I think it is pretty cool you are a freak because I am a freak too. I know I come to school with different kinds of coloring in my hair and that I have tons of piercings, but that's just who I am. I think you are a cool chick!" He rubbed his hands through his hair. I loved how his fingernails were painted black. He continued, "I am going to give people more to talk about because I am trying to grow a Mohawk!" He laughed, "Hey, if they are talking about you, then that means you are doing something right. Right?" I gave him a high five, "True! And that you have the guts to do what they are afraid to do or say ."

During lunch, I decided to go to the gym.

I felt a tap on the right side of my shoulder, "Scarlet." I looked to my right, and nobody was there. I turned around, and Jenna was standing in front of me, "You didn't call me in nearly a month. I am not counting, though."

She smiled, "I'm just saying."

I had totally forgotten about Jenna. Before I knew how Mia felt about me, I had a thing for Jenna. She's right; a little over a month ago, out of the blue, she spoke to me.

"Hey, Scarlet," said Jenna as she sat beside me at her desk. We had on the same uniform (royal purple blazer, purple tartan plaid skirt, and our white-collar shirt, with knee-high white or royal purple socks, and our plain black shoes). Jenna's hair is coarse and so beautiful, but that day, it was in two braids. It reminded me of Mia's hair. She is not slim, but she isn't heavyset either. In my eyes, just like Mia — she is perfect! Her dark brown eyes are so dreamy, and her bronze skin looks so smooth and pimple free. I've had a crush on Jenna for quite some time, but I do not think she is a lesbian. I never told anyone. Well, quite frankly, until last month, I never told anyone that I was a lesbian.

Back then, I always wondered how Mia never noticed. I held her hand on purpose, and I loved to lock my arm around hers. I always looked at her when she was sleeping, I kissed her on her cheeks more than usual, but I think she just thought it was the norm. I like Jenna, but I love Mia. I love Mia as a friend, sister, and a lover, and I am happy to know she feels the same way about me. However, I am not happy that she is ashamed of us.

Years ago, I think it was during the summer of 7th grade. Mia and I went to an all-girls summer camp. It was so boring. Anyway, there was a trend going on, and everyone was asked if they had ever kissed a girl before. It seemed like we were the only girls there who had never kissed the same sex. We didn't want to feel left out, so Mia and I kissed each other. First, it was a peck just to say we kissed a girl. I told Mia that wouldn't count (I knew what I was doing!) I told her we would have to kiss for real. Like for real, for real. Mia asked me what was a 'for real' kiss. I told her tongue had to be involved. Mia thought that was disgusting, but she said okay since it was me. It hurt my feelings when she said, "Well, you are my sister, and it seems like you want to get in where you fit in, so you wouldn't have to lie anymore." I was happy to kiss Mia, but she was going through with it so I could fit in with everyone else. I didn't care about fitting in with everyone else. If it wasn't for the trend, I wouldn't have gotten the chance to kiss Mia. All I cared about was kissing Mia — and I had a good enough reason to do so.

We were sitting on Mia's bunk. "Okay, on the count of three," I said. I had my eyes open. Mia's eyes were open too, "Okay. One," I said, "Two." And Mia and I said together, "Three." Mia messed the mood up and yelled, "Blessings!" I was looking like, "What?" "Blessings, I said blessings," said Mia with a smile on her face. "Oh yeah, yeah, blessings." I threw my hands up, "Come on, Mia, let me count to three." Mia nodded her head.

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