Part 1: Chapter 25

Start from the beginning

I pondered what it would be like if my humans could procreate freely without the council forcing punishment. I would have so many more humans in the long run. What a ridiculous rule they had foisted upon me, the one time I had not attended the quarterly.

In the meantime, buying more females was playing with fire, I supposed, but when did I ever stop doing that? I smiled to myself, just as a knock interrupted my musings.


Mantis came in. He was one of my less attractive guards, curly sandy hair and blue eyed, although his attitude and mannerisms had a certain pleasing roughness I appreciated.

I smiled at him widely, my fangs exposed. "I'm a bit peckish, Mantis."

He nodded and approached.

Good slave that he was, he started screaming without even a need to be reminded.

* * * * *

I got through the last couple of days, interacting with the other councillors and manoeuvring myself amongst my allies and my enemies, although they largely seemed unaware of our relationship to each other.

For about the millionth time, I inwardly critiqued their limited imaginations, but perhaps I should be grateful. Few of them had the capacity to match me and interfere with my particular goals. It was unlikely that anyone had the intricate plans that I did.

When the day came to make my move, I would at last have my way. It was going to be glorious.

In the meantime, I slipped behind the wheel of my blood red car and turned it on. My vehicle was a thing of beauty. It was produced by Klaus and reminiscent of the sports cars of the late nineteenth century. Around my own age, he was one of the few vampires who actually had my respect. If I were not fortunate enough to me, I would want to be him, since he was a rarity who actually produced useful things for the world. Like me, he also knew how to make use of human productivity and could maintain them without wantonly destroying them. He possessed foresight and creativity that were sadly lacking in most of my vampiric brethren.

He also had zero interest in politics and was fond of me, so I had no complaints with him. I had not seen him in almost a century because he resided in northern South America, but I knew he still thrived because periodic shipments of his products still made their way to my area.

I would almost like to have visited him, but sadly I had more pressing concerns.

Still, those concerns felt light as I accelerated away from the capital, towards my personal sanctuary.

* * * * *

I stopped driving at a certain point to give my humans a break. I leaned against my lovely car and watched them as they switched drivers and let my newest acquisitions take a break from the bus.

Jamie watched the new humans and his eyes lingered on the new young female.

A rather unusual feeling of displeasure began to build in my gut, which was odd because I seldom felt an emotional reaction towards the actions of my humans beyond pleasure, amusement, or vexation. This was something else, however. Not quite unfamiliar, but still strange. It was similar to when other vampires went near my humans.

I did not like it.

"Jamie," I called. "Come here."

He definitely heard me, but he took his sweet time turning to look at me. His expression was all stubbornness and rebellion.

My smile was involuntary. I suppose he had agreed to behave in the capital, not on the way back. Tricky human. I loved that rebellion. "Come here. I suspect there is something you want from me."

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