He leaves and I feel bad that he wants to check on his car specially since it was his dad's car in the beginning so I decided to head over to OFI to check on the progress of the investigation

VM=  what's the address again
K= 255 South archer it was a warehouse fire full of cars
VM= looking like an electrical fire
K= so they can release scene
VM= i'll get in line I got to fatal fires  taking priority right now
K= uh there's just a guy that wants to check on one of his cars inside it should only take a few minutes
VM= well he could get in there once a qualified fire scene investigator signs off the cause how do you know who's qualified Kelly severide you close out this investigation for me and you can let your buddy in there to check on his car
K= I don't work at  OFI
VM= you should Severide it's in your blood
K= if I do this will you stop pestering me about coming back here
VM= no
K= fine thank you Van meter
VM= no Severide  thank you

I take the file and  leave as I leave I want into to chief Conway

CC= look at this Kelly Severide back at OFI
K= I know I can't seem to stay away
CC= I met your girlfriend today at the lieutenant candidate meeting
K= that so
CC= Took me until I was 42 to make Lieutenant she really zooming up the ladder
K= well she's a great firefighter
CC= if you say so these days me promote people for all kinds of reasons that have nothing to do with skills and experience
K= she has both
CC= sure but I'll tell you what a victim that's gonna be shoulder carry down a ground ladder   doesn't care that there's enough ladies in the CFD or  not enough diversity they just need saving am I right
K= you might want to think about retiring cheif you're starting to sound a little creaky
CC= okay I get it you got to defend your girl but it's funny because folks around here are saying the real reason Kidd's moving up so fast is you
K= what are you talking about
CC= it can't hurt sleeping at the office especially one so closely connected to Commissioner Grissom, i'm just telling you want every one else is saying don't shoot the messenger see you around Severide

I can't believe what he just told me that people think the only reason Stella is moving up the ladder is because she is dating me, that is ridiculous she has worked her butt off to get this far. But I also can see where some people are coming from but she's dating me and then all sudden she's getting ready to get promoted to lieutenant. So I take my file that Vanmeter gave me and head back to the fire house and maybe tell the chief and stella what I just heard. Once I get back I walk past the rooms Stella is in

S= hey there hey
K= hey
S= Heard you were at headquarters too
K= I was yeah ah actually I just ran into chief Conway and did you know that...
S= oh I have to say I feel so much better after leaving that meeting I mean people were coming up saying really nice things it means a lot
K= that yeah i'm glad to hear it
S= I am geared up I'm gonna hit the books hard I'm gonna dazzle those white shirts and get myself a promotion do Boden proud you'll take me through the squad later right
K= uh you don't need my help with that  you know there's all kinds of diagrams and 
S= diagrams I um  thought you were going walk me through it list and I'll make it fun
K= i'm sure you would and I actually I have a thing to do after shift
S= a thing
K= yes ( see Capp) Capp walk Kidd through squad okay
HC= sure after I get a little me time
K= now
S= no I'm not I can  wait until you have time 
K= Capp could use the extra training ( walks away)
S=  he is in a mood
HC= i'm not putting down the milkshake FYI

I walked away from Stella because after what Conway told me I don't want to hold back Stella I'm getting the moated plus I feel like if I help her people would talk about it more. I wanted to tell her but she sounded too excited about her meeting that she had today that I didn't want to dampen her  spirits for the next couple hours I try and come up with a way that I can help still up but not make it look like I'm the reason she is moving up the ladder. As I head back to my office Matt stops me

MC= hey got a few minutes ( holds  up cigars)
K= yeah let's do it ( outside) you and Brett
MC= not anymore it looks like that was the extent of it Gabby our relationship it's always going to be an issue for Sylvie
K= and for you
MC= I thought so but to be honest these last few months I haven't had any contact with Gabby or even thought much about her Sylvie been the only one on my mind 
K= but you're just gonna let it go
MC= that what she wants so I don't know maybe it's for the best
K= is it sounds to me like you got it pretty bad for Brett
MC= I think that's exactly why I have to pull back it's the best thing for her
K= ( looks over at Stella) damn

Maybe Matt is giving me and vice about how I should give Stella some space so that she can get what she wants I just hope she'll understand why soon enough. After work I decide to go work on the car with the car guy and give Stella some space

Stella's POV: I have been feeling really great since I got back from that meeting for a couple of mail firefighters told me they heard great things about me but then when I asked Kelly to help me after you got back from headquarters he seem very weird about something. Right now I am at Molly's with Brett to catch up with her and see what's going on between her and Casey and maybe get her advice about Kelly

SB= i'm sorry I didn't tell you I've been Kinda  of a tailspin over it
S= how was the kiss I mean was it good
SB= it was good so not helpful stella
S= my bad
SB= I just need to put it behind me and move on and I can do that I mean there are good men who aren't still deep down in love with their exes why I mean you found severide ( Stella gives a looks) what
S= he is being a real weirdo so first he saddled me with Capp for a squad study sash and then he bailed on me again tonight and both times he said he had a thing
SB= you didn't ask for any specifics
S= no I probably should have something is say that that is for sure

I hope Kelly finally tells me what's up because I do not like this feeling again. Right now I'm just gonna focus on my clear and hopefully get promoted soon

Authors note: first off stella didn't get  promoted just  because she seen Kelly it's because the cheif Boden saw something in her I hate that cheif Conway he seems very sexist toward females . I wish Kelly would had told Stella what that cheif told him also told Boden or even Matt but that cigar talk was all about Matt and Brett I was so pissed with this episode.

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