Part 16

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Hey thots, hope you enjoy this part.


Me and Derek shopped for a long time. Leaving with a whole bunch of  bags.

And we were walking to the car people started coming up to me.

"Are you Mai?" A girl asked. And I didn't wanna lie. it wouldn't make much sense to lie, they recognize me anyway which is why they're asking me.

"Yes." I said nodding a whole bunch of other people came over following me and Derek. So we quickly got in and pulled out the parking lot and left.

"Well shit." Derek said making me laugh.

"We going home anyway. This probably why Yoongi wanted to move." I said laughing.

"Move where?" He asked.

"Like still in this state. But he wants a house with a gate and security at the gate and shit so if someone does find where we live. They won't be able to get in. I thought he wanted more space. But more space for only 3 people and we already have a big ass house. But shit it's his money so." I said shrugging making Derek laugh.

"I love how you never make any big decisions far as like house wise. Because you always say it's Yoongi's money." He said making me laugh.

"Well it is his money. I'll wait till we get married. And then claim his money." I said making Derek laugh again.

I dropped Derek off at his house and then went home. And saw another car in the drive way and was confused.

And when I got out Gray got out.

"What the fuck." I said to myself.

"Nice to see you again Mai." Gray said and I gulped.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I did some here to take another one of your panties. But. Why don't I just take the ones already on you off." He said grabbing me and I pushed him making him stumble.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I said and he sighed.

"Mai. Why don't we just cut out the middle man and you just sleep with me. We could have did this a long time about but you sit here and act like you wanna be loyal to him so bad." He said.

"Who's acting? I am loyal to Yoongi." I said.

"So why don't I go in there and tell him you were stripping behind his back." He asked and I started laughing.

"He already knows you asshole. Just leave me and Yoongi alone. Me and you will never be a thing." I said rolling my eyes going to the door.

"What if I told you I'd give you money?" He asked.

"Gray. Does it look like I need money from you? Yoongi buys me chains, cars, bags, clothes, wigs, and nails. Why the hell would I need your petty change?" I asked going in the house and closing the door in his face.

"You're gonna regret that Mai." Gray yelled.

"Ohh. I'm so scared." I said rolling my eyes going upstairs and going to me and Yoongi's room.

Yoongi is at the dance studio practicing with his background dancer with Sekani.

So I changed and changed into this.

So I changed and changed into this

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I left my hair down and took off most of my makeup with the exception of my lashes and lipgloss of course

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I left my hair down and took off most of my makeup with the exception of my lashes and lipgloss of course. And I got my stuff and left.

I got back in the car and went to the dance studio. And Sekani got up and ran over to me and I picked her up.

"Oh. This is my fiancée Mai." Yoongi said introducing me to everyone and I smiled.

"Hi." I said awkwardly and they laughed.

I sat on the side with Mai on my lap and watching Yoongi dance.

"Mai. Come dance with me." Yoongi whined.

"Uh Uh. Cause if I fall you gone be laughing. Embarrassing me in front of these people. No." I said shaking my head and Yoongi laughed.

"Please." He said and I sat Sekani down and got up and went over there.

Yoongi showed me the choreography and I caught on really fast. And did it with them and fell out on the floor tired as hell.

"You only did one song. I gotta do like 3 in a row." He said laughing.

"I don't know how your little ass carries so much energy then." I said getting up and Yoongi pushed me making me laugh. And they went back to practicing. And after he practiced some more.

And then we left and went back to the house. We went upstairs and gave Sekani a bath and let her in her room to play with the dogs. And me and Yoongi took a shower and went downstairs with Sekani and we let her play in the living room while Yoongi sat in the kitchen watching me cook.

"So...Yoongi." I said.

"Oh God this ain't gone end good." He said making me laugh.

"Gray was here." I said.

"Excuse me?" He asked.

"He was outside. I told him off but he was still here." I said.

"Oh okay." He said sighing.

"And...maybe we should try for another baby." I said.

"Did I just hear you correctly?" He said happy.

"After we get another house." I said.

"Babe. We might as well start trying now. Because I could have a new house ready tomorrow morning." He said making me laugh.

"No. When we move into the new house. So get to it." I said shooing him away and he ran to go get his laptop.

And he was looking at houses while I was cooking.

"Babe. Look. Look." He said running to me with his laptop and I looked.

"I'm getting it." He said making me laugh.

"I'm decorating it." I said.

"What's wrong with my taste in furniture?" He asked.

"Nothing if you mean for lack of color." I said rolling my eyes.

"I'm sorry I don't want my house to look like a damn circus." He said making me laugh.

"Anyway." I said rolling my eyes again.

Hey thots, hope you enjoyed this part.

Check out my other works. Smuts. Spilled Milk. BTS reactions and scenarios. The One Night Stand. And if you haven't already which I don't know why you wouldn't have. But read The Drug Dealer 1, and 2.

Love you!😘😘😘😘

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