Part 12

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Hey thots, hope you enjoy this part.


After me and Yoongi left my mothers house we went back home because it was getting late.

And I was on my phone on the way home.

"Yoongi. You should get me these shoes." I said showing me and he pushed my phone away.

"Don't you have enough shoes." He said.

"You can never have too many shoes." I said making him laugh.

"You have enough of everything. Two cars, every Birkin bag to ever exist. And a whole bunch of other small bags. Those Louis Vitton heels you begged me for. Designer clothes. Need I go on?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

"But these shoes are cute." I whined.

"I don't even know why you ask anymore. I gave you the pin to my credit card. And all the information to literally everything." He said.

"Oh yea. Why ask you when I can just do? Good idea." I said making him laugh.

We went to the house and at the door there was a box.

"Did you order something?" He asked.

"For once this wasn't me." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Bet it says your name." He said.

"Bet it don't. We just got home like 2 days ago. And I haven't ordered shit." I said getting out of the car and I went to the door and got the box and Yoongi got Sekani.

I opened the door and held it open for Yoongi and he bring Sekani in.

I went to the kitchen and put the box on the counter and got a knife.

"It says it's from Gray." I said looking up at Yoongi.

"Excuse me? Mai that's not funny." He said.

"Yoongi you always assume I'm fucking joking. It says Gray." I said.

"Open it." He said

I opened it and then had to open something else.

"Are those panties?" Yoongi asked and I gasped.

"Those are my panties." I said picking them up and Yoongi's got wide.

"Oh my God. Where are Holly and Steezy." Yoongi said running upstairs but I was still caught up on the fact that he stole my fucking panties.

Yoongi came downstairs with Holly and Steezy and put them down.

"There were locked in one of the guest rooms. Trying to bust down the door." He said.

"He stole my panties." I said staring into space.

"Um. Our dogs could have been dead." He said.

"And I was violated. That means this nigga came in the house dug in my fucking panty drawer and took my panties. Does that not bother you?" I asked him.

"Not as much as our dogs being dead or taken. Because he could have done both." He said.

"So I don't have as much meaning to you as those damn dogs. I care about the dogs too. And I want them to be okay, and I don't want anyone to fuck with them. But I think someone digging in my fucking panty drawer and taking my panties is something to worry about too." I said and he sighed.

"There you go." He said rolling his eyes.

"Excuse me? There I go? You wanna say that a little louder for the bitches in the back?" I asked stepping closer to him.

"Mai you talk to me like I'm a little bitch and I'm just supposed to obey and follow everything you say." He said.

"You know what? Whatever. I'm going upstairs. I'm gonna order food, for myself. And our child. And wait for you to fucking apologize." I said taking Sekani upstairs and the dogs followed behind me.

I went to me and Yoongi's bathroom cause I knew his pride won't let him come upstairs. At least not this early.

I gave Sekani a bath and put her pajamas on and sent her to her room.

And then took a shower and put my pajamas on and went in the room with Sekani and she played with her dolls and stuff while I played Holly and Steezy. And ordered the food.

"Aye aye aye. Sit." I said and they both sat making me smile because Yoongi is not the only who trained these dogs to be obedient. I did.

When the food came I went downstairs and got it. And took the food out of the bag and made Yoongi a plate and brought it to him.

"I thought you said you weren't gonna give me food." He said taking the plate.

"You think I'm gonna let you starve? You won't even eat that much as it is." I said rolling my eyes about to leave but Yoongi pulled my arm and made me sit on his lap. And I rolled my eyes, he was just gonna tell me he loves me and kiss my neck. And apologize, and shit. And I would fall right for that shit again. Like every time we argue.

"I'm sorry Mai. You know I care about you. Like a lot. More than you should be obsessed with someone." He said making me laugh.

"Aww. And." I said waiting for him to continue and he laughed.

"And I love you." He said.

"And?" I asked.

"And you're beautiful. Where does it end? Cause we normally don't compliment each other like this." He said making me laugh.

"I love you too. Come in the room with me and Sekani." I said pulling his arm. And he followed behind me.

Hey thots, hope you enjoyed this part.

Check out my other works. Smuts. Spilled Milk. BTS reactions and scenarios. The One Night Stand. And if you haven't already which I don't know why you wouldn't have. But read The Drug Dealer 1, and 2.

Love you!😘😘😘😘

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