Part 6

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Hey thots, hope you enjoy this part.


After I kept messing with Yoongi about the tattoo I finally calmed down about it. No I didn't. I could not stop staring at it. The only other person to get my name tattooed on them is my mother. She got it when I was like 10.

"Your neck says Mai." I said kissing his cheek and he laughed.

"I know. Cause I love you." He said kissing me.

"But I can't kiss and suck your neck like I do." I said pouting.

"Our child is present." He said making us both look over at Mai sipping her apple juice out of her soppy cup on her tablet watching the Boondocks.

"This is the most ghetto shit I have ever seen in my life." I said making Yoongi laugh.

"You only have yourself to blame. All she heard when she was like 3 months was I see piss coming I move. She saw piss coming she stayed." He said making me laugh.

"That's my favorite episode." I whined.

"I thought it was the one with a pimp named slick back." He said making me laugh.

"Not you memorizing these episodes because of me." I said making him laugh.

"But however. Back to what I was saying about kissing your neck. There is a whole bathroom. A big ass bathroom at that." I said.

"Goodness. Okay." Yoongi said getting up.

"Don't do anything crazy Sekani." I said.

"Okay mommy." She said and me and Yoongi went in the bathroom.

And closed and locked the door behind us.

"Did you want to suck me off for the performance I put on earlier." He said making me laugh.

"I just wanted to kiss you. This tattoo makes you look so hot. Especially since it's my name." I said kissing the other side of his neck and he laughed.

"It would look even more hot on your knees." He said making me laugh.

"Yoongi. Our child is in the other room." I said.

"We fuck all the time when she's in the other room." He said making me roll my eyes.

"That's when she's in the bed and asleep. There is a difference. She is awake." I said making him whine.

"I deserve a suck." He said.

"I'm not saying you don't. You deserve a good suck all the time if we're being honest. For just walking and breathing air you deserve a good suck. However...there is a 1 year old baby in the other room innocently drinking her apple juice on her tablet. I just think it would be wrong for her mother to be sucking dick in the other room." I said making Yoongi laugh.

"I deserve a good suck just for breathing?" He asked.

"Is that all you heard?" I asked.

"Kinda." He said nodding.

"Anyway." I said starting to kiss him again and he laughed.

He started taking control of the kiss and backing me up on the wall. And put his hand on my ass squeezing it tight.

"All this ass." He said making me laugh.

After we made out in the bathroom for a minute we came back out and Sekani was laid out on the floor asleep.

"Aww." I said carefully picking her up not to wake her up. And laid on the bed with her laying on my boob. And drew circles on her arm and Yoongi laid next to me and kissed Sekani's forehead.

"I love her a little too much." He said making me laugh.

"Yea how do I like this little ass human so much?" I asked making him laugh too.

"To quote you. She came out of your vagina." He said making me hit him and he laughed.

"Oh. Babe. I was playing with beat. But I don't know." He said getting his laptop and I sat up slowly and laid Sekani on the bed and put a cover over her and gave her a teddy bear.

"Here." He said putting his headphone on my ears. And I listened to it.

"I like it. It just seems like...RnB-ish." I said.

"Exactly. But I had some lyrics for it though. But I feel like there should be singing on it. But I can't like sing sing. How I think it should be on this how I want it." He said eyeing men

"And what are you implying?" I asked.

"That you sing it." He said.

"You want the black girl to sing the song because it sounds like a RnB song." I said making him laugh.

"That's not why. Your little accent. The way you sing. It's what I need." He said making me roll my eyes.

"No. I'm not a fucking singer." I said.

"But you can sing. You can just sing on this song. Please." He said.

"No." I said shaking my head.

"I got your name tattooed on my neck just for you to tell me no when I ask you to do something so small?" He asked me making me laugh.

"I didn't ask you to get my name tattooed on you. That was your choice." I said.

"Please Mai." He said and I sighed.

"Goodness. Okay." I said and he smiled all gummy and clapped.

"Yes. Read these lyrics and let me know what I should fix." He said giving me his notebook and I started reading it. And imagining what the song would sound like, like Yoongi does.

"Oh shit. I hear it." I said making him laugh.

"Exactly. See. Come here." He said pulling me to sit in between his legs.

He put the laptop on my legs typing shit. And laying down all the stuff for the songs and fixing lyrics. And humming the melody with his chin on my shoulder.

"You could sing this part." He said showing me.

"Not my babes in here making hits." I said kissing his cheek and he laughed.

I helped with the song. Even though I don't know anything about writing songs. Cause I don't write shit. But Yoongi. He writes all his shit.

Hey thots, hope you enjoyed this part. The ending to this was weird as fuck i think. Because I really didn't know how to end it.

Check out my other works. Smuts. Spilled Milk. BTS reactions and scenarios. The One. And if you haven't already which I don't know why you wouldn't have. But read The Drug Dealer 1.

Love you!😘😘😘😘

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