~Third Chapter~

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**Edited 2-24-23*

I stop laughing and look at him and seen the pages of the book flying in the air.

"No!!" I scream and I look at him and he points to my seat.

I give him a snug look and stomp back and sit down.

I look at him and seen he had another book.

"You're mean... You don't know how to have fun..." I whisper and go back to what I had to do...

****~ "Why would a living person worry about what happens after they die? I'll just live freely for as long as possible." -Wei Wu Xian (the untamed) "I want to bring a person back to the hidden heaven, just bring him back, and hide him." - Lan Wang Ji ~****


"You don't deserve to live here Minlin!! Leave this house!" My mom said.

I was six years old.

My own mother was kicking me out of the house at six years old

"Mom..." I say and she throws a pair of clothes at me.

"I said leave!!" She says and smacks me.

I seen dad and he was just there with his arms folded and with his white and blue sword.

I nodded then I leave and walk around.

I was hungry and I looked for food.

I found some after a while.

"GRRRRRRRRR..... BARK BARK!" I hear a dog behind me.

I slowly look behind me.

I seen a huge black dog.


I back away slowly.

But then it charges at me and I run away...

I trip over a log in the street, I land face first into the street and the dog jumps on me and growls in my face.

I was laying on my stomach and my left shoulder was showing then it bites my left shoulder and then I scream.



"BALON!!" I scream and sit up in the bed breathing heavily...

I seen it was day time out.

I hear running footsteps and someone barges in my room.

I seen it was my brother, my sisters "fiancé" and a couple more people.

The people were wearing the same color as her fiancé.

I look at them.

"I'm okay.." I say and then look away from them.

My brother comes up to me and crouched in front of me and I look at him and tears fall out of my eyes.

He looks at the people.

"You guys, go. Please." He says and they leave but I seen them standing guard by the door.

"What nightmare was it?" He asks.

"The dog..." I say and he hugs me and I hug him back.

"It's okay, there are no dogs here. They won't hurt you..." He says still hugging me.

ReinLuehr•萊因魯爾• //Where you are, I'm home•你在哪裡我在家• ✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora